Morning Calls...

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I awoke to sun shine beaming on my face and my grip onto something very soft. I slowly looked over to see my beautiful girlfriend but only saw a pillow in the place of her. My eyes widened into panick and my protective boyfriend instincts kicked in.

"Heaven?" I called out.

"Heaven??!" I semi yelled.

"Heaven!!!!!" I was screaming by now and jumped out of the bed in search of my girlfriend of only a few hours. And I was only in my boxers. I let the cold air hit me but it not phasing me because it wasn't my main concern at the moment.

I searched the entire room and the connected room. When I realized she wasn't in here, I opened the door to leave and walk to the main quarters where the living room and kitchen were. But as soon as I opened the door I was instantly hit with the smell of food and a loud scream.

My panic mode was through the roof now. I ran down the hall and glanced in the living room and saw nothing.

Kitchen . I thought.

So I ran to the kitchen. "Heaven?!?!"

I could smell food so good now. And there, jumping up and down like a little girl who had just met me for the first time was my beautiful girlfriend.

A sigh of relief came out as I saw her. I just watched her cook and talk on the phone through her headset. Smiling to myself. Her back was facing me so she hadn't noticed my presence yet.

She was so gorgrous especially in my shirt and it just covering her ass. Damn. She's all mine.

She must've ended the call and returned her focus to the food. I crept up behind her and snaked my arms around her from behind. I started kidding her neck. And she moaned.

"Stop Jayy." She said with a huge smile on her face.

"I can't help it..." I said still kissing her.

She finally gave in and we had our first make out session. Which I hope we have a whole lot more of.

We began eating breakfast and talking laughing and the occasional glance at each other with admirable eyes and smiles.

Then she spoke up...

"So... I got a call this morning." She said. I looked at her motioning for her to continue.

"I honestly don't know how to say this Jayy..." She continued. I hope she's not breaking up with me. Damn it we just got together.

"Jayy, I'm going--" She was cut off by my phone blasting on the counter. And with the special ringtone I knew it was Scooter.

"Hold that thought babe , its Scooter" I asked her as she glanced at me, nodded her head and started to play on her phone.

"What's up Scoot?" I asked.

"Nothing but you and Heaven being everywhere man, you finally got her..." He replied.

"I sure do..." I said looking at my beautiful girlfriend.

"But that's not why I called." He continued. "Justin I got some good and bad news right now."

"Give me the good first." I stated

"Alrighg man. JB, man you're going in tour!!!"

"Man , I said the hood news first. And have you forgot I just got off your a few months ago." I said upset but kinda happy. I could use Heaven as my opening act if I do go.

"I know .I know." But this one is very spread out and you get time in between each like 3 weeks or so." He explained.

Okay that makes it a little better touring with my girl. That'd be A1.

What's the bad news?

"Bad news?" I hesitantly asked.

He sighed. " First show's in 2 days."

I wanted to scream. Shout. And let it all out. Haha see what I did there? Okay but seriously how am I going to break this to Heaven.

Shit. I'm screwed.

"I'll call you back Scoot." I said.

"But the--" He got cut off by me hanging up and walking back over to Heaven.

"You okay??" She asked while putting her phone down.

"No." I replied covering my face with my arm.

She came and sat in my lap straddling me so she was facing me.

"How about we tell each other our news at the same time?" She suggested.

I nodded my head.

"1...2...3." She counted.

"I'm going on tour." We both said.

"What?!?" We yelled at each other.

"I'm leaving in 2 days." I stated.

"I'm leaving in a week." She said " for my first headlining tour."

What the actual fuck?! We just got together and we're being seperated already?

Damn it.

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