Touring Life

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"God d--" I caught myself from finishing my sentence. I'm trying to keep myself from cursing so damn much but with my current situation of just burning my hand on the stove.. I say fuck it.

Its been terrible the last few weeks without Heaven being around. She's doing shows, what seems like non stop. I'm not on a major tour just trying to keep my fans occupied until I can get an album out. Which I'm working on so don't get your thong in a twist.

I've been doing shows like every 3 weeks so like once a month which isn't bad, except not seeing my girlfriend all the time. I mean sure we Skype and text and call and face time but its not the same as being right there next to her. Its not the same without her. The bed seems bigger, and it's not just because the bed is a king size. Its colder too. The house is too quiet for my liking. Its not like she lived here anyways but I've gotten use to her presence being here. And for it to not be here now is like.... Fucking ugh.

There goes another curse word.

Heaven says I curse way to much and that I just do it to do it. Which is not entirely true... All the time.

But whatever in exactly 26 days I'll be able to see her and surprise her. She's been so busy with touring she wasn't worried about mine. Which is good in this scenario. One of my shows is the day before hers in the same town. Which means I can stay in town an extra night or so to watch her. I've already planned out with her manager, to let her know she has some artists and also some featurings to come by as the show goes on.

She told me about it and she was so excited as she told me about it. I just hope she's not mad when she finds out I'm one of the artists and didn't tell her.

She'll be pissed.

But whatever she'll get over it.

Back to cooking this stupid ass breakfast.

Shit. I did it again. God d--mmm.

Calm down Justin.

26 long days to go.......


26 long days later....



Your wife in the back seat of my brand new foreign car

Don't act like you forgot

I call the sh-sh-shots, like blah blah blah

Pay me what you want

Don't act like you forgot

Bitch better have my money..."

Why am I singing other artist's songs? Because this is a "cover/remix" tour. I take a whole bunch of songs I like and remix them to make them my own. If you're still confused just take a look at Lil Wayne's Sorry for the wait album. Because that's exactly what he did, he recorded it and made copies to sell.

I sang the rest of Rihanna's song as I started towards my DJ to remind myself of the next song.

Which was Hey Daddy by Usher I loved that song especially Plies part which is what I have to do. I've had so many artists come by this evening to perform with me. I just missed Jayy so dang much. Like damn.

At least I can rest a little as Usher sings his part in the song. I already knew he was here since he had sung a few minutes ago Little Freak along with the Queen Nicki Minaj... Like I'm still trying to process that? Like can I get a "Yasss Bitch Yasss"??

Not to mention Queen B being here and performed Flawless with Nicki. Like damn make a nigga feel special or whatever... And they were on my tour. Like bish whet??

So I zoned out the whole time Usher was singing and almost missed my part where Plies comes in. But I jumped in right on time. This crowd was so hype, like dang. But I'm really tired. Sleep hasn't been on my to do much list lately since I've been touring.

But I can't let it show.

".....Let me pour koolaid on you real slow

And I'll kiss it all up before it hit the floor

Daddy's home and you know how that go..."

And I looked at him waiting for him to start the last chorus. But he was walking towards me and telling the sound people to cut off the music.

"Hey everyone we have a surprise for Heaven but she has to be seated in order to receive it. Didn't mean to stop the show like this but I'm under strict orders,"

Nigga better be on orders for the president for stopping my shit like this. I followed him as he lead me to a chair that I'm just now noticing is in the middle of the stage. I was then handed flowers and a crown.

What the hell??

"Enjoy." Were the last words to come out of his mouth as the music started back and he continued to sing. I then started to notice him dance a little and the crowd going absolutely crazy. Like really I can spin around to and they don't get this hype.

"Daddy's Home..." He ended the song and out of nowhere popped my handsome boyfriend.
Oh the feels, tears, and emotion had flowed out once I'd seen him. I tackled him and the crowd really went crazy if they weren't already. I guess they saw him and went wild and I had no clue he was behind me.

I finally got off him and was crying in his chest. He had a microphone and said one of his famous corny jokes.

"Yup, daddy's home." I playfully hit him and we did the last song together. Which was one of his.

Where are u now?

We danced and had fun. I thanked all the artists in attendance for this night and for my beautiful fans. I love them to pieces.

Then I went back to my hotel room with MY boyfriend who I plan on keeping for a long time. We played in the bed just cuddling, watching TV and enjoying each others presence....

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