𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚟𝚎

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Dolores took one look at the downcast look on her sister's face before shaking her head.

"You don't need to be hidden, to do what you do best~" Dolores suddenly sang, pulling her sister by both hands as she walked backwards towards Seniora Maria.

"You don't need to be unnoticed, when you go out to assist~"

As she continued, Antonio perked up seeing that things were starting to get interesting, while Camilo just looked at his older sister as if she had grown another head. Carla, on the other hand, was spewing out protests as she tried her hardest to break free form her sister's grasps.

"All you need to do is simple," Dolores let go of Carla's hands and cupped her face so she'd look her in the eye. "Go on and don't be scared," She then turned Carla towards the still struggling Seniora Maria, and gently pushed her.

"You don't need to be hidden..." Carla froze up and glanced back at her sister and brothers — after Camilo eventually just went along with the sudden singing — who all gave her encouraging looks and thumbs-ups.

"Just do your best~"

Carla decided that she wasn't going to get out of this one. The only reason her family's attempts didn't work before was because she usually chickened out last minute and disappeared, sneaking away from her family. Now, she could probably still chicken out but she won't have any way to get out of the situation as she couldn't actually turn invisible anymore. Just thinking about it made her heart clench and then she realized.

'I'm not sad because my gift is gone.' she thought as she watched Seniora Maria carry — with great difficulty — about 8 bags in her arms. 'I'm sad because I won't be able to help other people anymore without it.'

"I thought I couldn't help people without it..." she muttered to herself.

That's when she decided that... she honestly couldn't believe she was thinking this but maybe... now's the time — more than any other — to finally try and help others without her gift. Not that she had any other choice in the first place.

So with that, she took a deep breath in and walked over to Seniora Maria with tentative steps. Dolores, Camilo, and Antonio perked up at this. This was the closest their attempts had ever gotten.

"Do... d–do you need help with that?" Carla said in a tiny voice that eventually turned into a squeak by the end of the sentence.

Seniora Maria didn't reply, she only kept walking with a few grunts here and there as she tried to hold all her bags together. It doesn't seem as if she heard Carla.

Carla was almost tempted to just turn back around and hide behind her sister once more, but no. She needs to do this. For her family who had been trying their hardest to help her. And for herself. So closed her eyes, took another deep breath in, and tried again.

"Um... excuse me Seniora, can I help you with that?"

Seniora Maria stopped walking and turned around to find the owner of the voice that was kind enough to offer her help, only to gasp when she saw who it actually was.

Carla started to fidget, her whole body stiff as the seniora continued to stay silent and stare at her. "Uh.. s–seniora..?"

Seniora Maria finally snapped out of her trance, shaking her head. "Oh, I'm sorry mijita, this is just really shocking. It's the first time you've come to help me completely visible."

"Ah... I didn't really have a choice. My gift sort of disappeared last night." Carla sheepishly said, her cheeks heating up.

Seniora gave her a look of pity at this, "Ah yes... I've heard about what happened last night and I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I know that your gifts have become a part of you after having it for such a long time."

Carla softly smiled, despite the ache in her chest at the lady's statement. Their gifts were a part of them. "It's alright, Seniora. There's not much I could do about it, really. We don't actually know why it's happening, so the only thing I can do right now is.. try and live without it."

Seniora Maria smiled softly at that, "You have a strong heart, mija. I know this must be hard for you, but you're not letting it hold you down."

Carla smiled back.

"Well anyways, it's good to finally put a face to the one who's been helping me these past few years. Now, should we get going? I have a few things in here that need to be stored immediately."

Carla nodded before taking more than half of the bags from Seniora Maria.

"All I need to do is simple, it's not so hard at all~" Carla sang to herself as she quickly followed Seniora Maria with a smile on her face.

"Take deep breaths and get some courage... and be myself."

Sniff Sniff

"Camilo, are you crying?"



"See? That wasn't so bad." Dolores said as she hugged her little sister after she came back from Seniora Maria's home.

"Good job, sis!" Camilo said as he patted his twin's back.

"Thanks." Carla smiled widely after she pulled away from Dolores.

"Aw~ it's over? I kind of expect more." Antonio pouted, but nonetheless still hugged his sister in congratulations.

"Now, now, Antonio. Carla doesn't need to do everything today. Remember what Mami said?" Dolores said.

"Baby steps can still make all the difference." Antonio replied with a toothy grin.

"Yeah, but seeing as we're already here with the purpose of healing..." Carla trailed off, sending a meaningful look towards her twin brother.

Immediately understanding what she meant, Dolores and Antonio also looked at Camilo with the same look, leaving the older twin in a state of confusion and slight worry.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" He asked, taking a cautious step back.

"Come on, Camilo. Don't think we haven't noticed because we have. We're your siblings, heck even Mami and Papi have noticed." Carla said.

"Wh–what do you mean?" Camilo asked once more, but this time, more nervous than confused.

Antonio sighed before approaching his hermano mayor and as if on cue, his friend jaguar came in and swooped him up so he could reach his brother's shoulder.

"We know you like to be helpful, making other people laugh~"

Okay, so maybe the song isn't going to  fit in just one chapter.

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