𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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"How are you holding up, mija?" Pepa approached Carla after she saw her daughter walking away from a woman she was previously helping carry some stuff.

Carla looked up to see her mami and smiled. "Surprisingly fine." Was her short reply before she was suddenly pulled into a hug.

"I'll say. Oh, corazón, I'm just so proud of you." Pepa said, smothering her daughter with kisses all over the face before giving a final one on the crown of her head.

"Mami!" Carla hissed as she felt her cheeks heat up from embarrassment.

Pepa ignored her comment but still pulled away to look at her daughter with a wide smile on her face — Carla was pretty sure a rainbow would've appeared over their heads if they still had their gifts. "Dolores told me about what you guys did yesterday and oh, I just wished I could've been there too."

Her cheeks still slightly red from her mother's rather public display of affection, she turned away so she had a view of all her siblings scattered around, helping and doing their tasks. A fond smile made its way onto her face.

"It's because I have awesome siblings."

She and Pepa then saw Camilo drop the shovel Mirabel gave him after he tried — and failed — to do some sort of trick with it.

Carla made a face. "Most of the time."

After a few more minutes of talking with her mother and Pepa absolutely smothering her with more hugs and kisses, saying how proud she was that she was making progress, Carla finally managed to escape only to stumble upon the sight of another townsfolk struggling to carry a lot of equipment at once.

Carla closed her eyes and took a deep breath to collect herself before carefully approaching the poor guy.

"Do you need any help?" She'd lost the stutter after the first few people she offered to help — although her voice did still carry a hint of hesitation and unease.

Startled, the guy jumped back, causing some of the stuff that had been piled up to lean dangerously to the side. Carla immediately went to straighten them up, before ultimately deciding to just take the stuff for herself to carry, lessening the guy's burdens.

She heard the guy sigh in relief. "Thank you." He said.

Carla, who was busy adjusting her grip on the equipment, was about to reply back a 'no problem', but was cut off when the guy suddenly gasped causing her to look up at him in alarm.

She was instantly met with a familiar pair of hazel eyes.

'The guy from Antonio's celebration!' She realized, her eyes widening.

The two stood there for a few moments, staring at each other in shock before they both realized they were staring and immediately looked away, an awkward silence falling upon the two.

"So uh," the guy cleared his thought, "should we get going?"

Carla hastily nodded before she started speed-walking forward.

"Wait! I was actually headed that way." The guy said pointing to his left.

Carla blushed.

'Great. So much for not embarrassing myself.'


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