𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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"It looks like you still have a long way to go, manita." Dolores said with an amused smile after the man finished speaking with Camilo and walked away.

Carla pouted before sighing in defeat. "But I was doing so well..."

"Yeah but hardly anyone was paying attention to us anyway, so you didn't really have to worry about socializing." Antonio said.

Carla glared at him before shaking her head and sighing once more, "I can't even deny that."

Camilo gave her a sympathetic look while patting her back, "Don't worry, mi sol, I'm sure you'll get better someday. Remember? Baby steps."

Carla sighed before nodding.

"So what are we going to do now?" She asked, looking around at her siblings.

A look of realization suddenly crossed Dolores' face. "Weren't we supposed to look for Mirabel?"

"Do you really think Mirabel caused all this?" Antonio asked with a frown on his face.

His older siblings looked at each other, mirroring his expression. They didn't really want to believe that their prima had caused their magic and Casita to start crumbling, Mirabel only had good intentions after all. She was such a hardworking person and only wanted to help their family and the village, not unlike the rest of family.

The four siblings were suddenly pulled out of their thoughts when strange, bold-colored plants suddenly popped up in between — and basically everywhere around — them.

"What..?" Carla said in confusion as she bent down to touch the bush of indigo and deep purple flowers in front of her.

"Isa..?" Dolores said as she looked at the same flower bush in both confusion and interest.

"These are our prima's flowers?" Camilo said in disbelief.

"They're not all flowers. Look there's even a purple colored cactus and... is that snake plant..? I don't really know my plants." Carla said as she pointed at the colorful plants in the distance.

"Well whatever it is, it's definitely Isa's." Antonio said, pointing in the direction of Casita.

Carla, Camilo, and Dolores all turned towards where Antonio was pointing at, only to drop their jaws at the sight.

The Casita was covered in the same strange but beautiful plants that now covered the whole village, and on the roof was Isabela, their prima who liked her appearance and actions immaculate, now sporting a ruined dress and an equally ruined hair. Despite that, she looked like she's actually having fun — and not just any sort of fun, but with Mirabel, nor less. It wasn't a secret in the family that the two sisters weren't too fond of each other.

"Is that really our prima?" Camilo gaped in disbelief.

Unfortunately, it wasn't just them that saw the two sisters on the roof. The whole village was watching them too, and that included Abuela, who was marching her way towards Casita, looking livid.

The quartet saw this, looked at each other, nodded, before following after their Abuela, wanting to know what was happening and what was about to happen.


Alma entered Casita to see both Isabela and Mirabel giggling as they laid on a pile of flowers that looked far from Isabela's usual ones.

"What is going on!?" She demanded, as she walked further into the house, looking baffled at the new plants that now decorated Casita.

The sisters immediately stood up with Isabella looking ashamed while Mirabel looked both excited and eager as she tried to explain.

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