Prologue: This Is A Black Ski Mask Song

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Song Of The Chapter: Novocaine by Fall Out Boy


I sat on my couch, my attention turned towards the TV, awaiting the annual purge. A knock took me out of my trance-like state, and I looked towards the door the sound had come from.

I opened it and was face-to-face with my best friend of 14 years, Brendon Urie. He grinned and brushed his dark brown hair out of his face and then he moved over, to reveal some of our friends and a large duffel bag.

Our friends were't really our friends. They were more like brothers and sisters to us. There were 10 of us and we're all in the same grade. Most of us met we were 4. It feels as if we had known each other forever, in reality.

The group consisted of Dallon Weekes, a clever boy who was too tall for life, Hayley Williams, a cheerful girl who enjoyed dying her hair shades of red, Pete Wentz, a quiet eyeliner-loving emo, Patrick Stump, Pete's best friend and lover of fedoras, Alex Gaskarth, my best friend after Brendon, Jack Barakat, a dirty-minded dirty-blond, Nate Ruess, a brunette with a passion for music, Josh Ramsay, a blue haired weirdo, Brendon and I.

Just as I waved to them and Brendon opened his mouth to speak, The voice began, causing everyone to rush into Brendon and I's shared apartment. My head cocked to the side, Brendon's arm going around my side instinctively. I looked over at him, examining his face, but he was in his own world. I could sense the worry in his eyes.

"This is your Emergency Broadcast System announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge. At the siren, all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 hours. All emergency services will be suspended. Your government thanks you for your participation."

The sirens began to wail and I shivered, giving Brendon my full attention. "So, obviously I went out to get these guys," He began, motioning to everyone around and also answering my question as to where he had been all night. "Well, I went to get them and then all of us went out to get these." He continued dumping out the contents of the large duffel bag. Now, on our cold hardwood floor, was an arrangement of colored guns and knives.

"Water guns and fake knives? Really?" I questioned him.

"They look like water guns and fake knives. That's what's great about them. If someone questions us all we have to do is shoot the air and they'll totally be scared shitless." He told me, obviously having an answer for any question I could ask him this moment. "Plus, afterwards we can keep them and nobody would think twice." He continued, earning a smack from me.

"Why do you have them?" I continued to bombard him with questions.

"We're going Purging. I know what you're thinking 'That's not safe! I don't want to go!'," He said, in an extremely high, mocking voice. "But, Emmy, we all have a hit list, and there's something we'd all like. So, tonight's the only night of the year that we'll be able to complete our hit-lists and rob as many stores as we'd like. Are you in?" He pestered.

I thought about it for a while, pondering whether or not it was a good idea. Eventually, I just began to think about the worst thing that could happen, and realised maybe it wasn't the worst idea.

"I'm in."


(AN: I've said this on the introduction of every story I've published so far. The introduction is short. The chapter will be longer.)

This story is dedicated to demigodInitiate !

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