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"I think I'm ready, I'm going to do it. Fellas, mind putting on two more plates?" Lisa announced from her position on the bench, massive barbell set just above her.
The bar was just about maxed out, there was literally only room on it on for two more making it look rather cartoonish as it was. Two guys went out and grabbed the last big weights in the gym, and went to each end. It was kind of cute they way they had to carry the discs two-handed to her. With them added the barbell and everything on it was now 1,960 pounds.
"Alright, stand back and watch me go!" Lisa put her hands up on the bar and winked at her spotters, well two or three of the five anyway depending on who was paying attention and who was looking at her.
"Lisa! Lisa! Lisa!" a few cheered for her and she smiled broadly, so many people resented or even feared her she always basked in positive attention. It might not quite be a thorough companionship, but at least it was positive in nature.
She let the massive weights come down to just a half inch from touching her chest and held it there a second and a half before extending her arms all the way in front of her. Her back didn't bend and she kept her form. Perfect, but...
"I don't think this is a max guys. I think I can get a bit more out of this... 2, 3, 4..." the burn of her arms was an intense pleasure as she moved the near-ton of weight up and down.
"God damn, girl!"
"And five!" she set the weight down to rest and the bench groaned under the weight.
"A new record for you."
"A new record period," she corrected.
"Oh, come on, leave something for the rest of us. No one's ever going to catch you. You need to have your own."
Lisa did her best to ignore the comment as she accepted a few high-fives and went ahead and gripped some hands. Just enough grip force to let them realize they were hopelessly outmatched by her, but not so much as to do any damage.
"Well, I dunno about that. She's not the tallest person ever, and I don't think she has the biggest arms."
"Oh, I don't?" Lisa asked and flexed a couple times, trying to max out her arm's size. She knew she was closing in on a 24 inch bicep, which made it the biggest women's by a safe margin. Jaws went slack and she grinned at the formidable bulge she had going on and how it left them in awe of its beautiful form.
"How big are you at?"
"Get the tape, hmm? I'll only be able to give you an estimate."
"Your estimates are usually accurate enough for most lab measurements though."
"Oh, are you saying you don't want to wrap the tape around my arm and cop a feel?" she asked in a mockingly faux hurt tone, "why wouldn't you want to feel the girls a bit?"
A couple people had an immediate physical response and some of them turned around, a couple ran off for the tape. They came back with it together and confirmed her personal estimate, expressing some awe as they pressed her arm and couldn't really dent her muscles with finger pressure. Then something came over her, an impulse and she walked back over to the nearly ton of weight she'd just been benching.
"How exactly do you do it, anyway? You're so amazing at everything..."
"Thanks, I know, but you know what? Sometimes I think my limits are more mental than really physical...I think 'you can only be so awesome' so I think that beating the world's record 2 or 2 and a half times over is pretty cool, but sometimes I wonder..."
"Wonder what?"
Lisa flexed both of her biceps and looked at them intensely for half a moment, willing them and all her other muscles to be strong, stronger than ever before. They seemed to respond and she felt tingly with new power. It was time to really give everyone a show.
"Maybe, just maybe, I'm holding myself back unknowingly because I don't want you all to feel too inadequate... that maybe..." she reached out with one hand and gripped the barbell.
Her bicep pumped to an even bigger new level as she lifted it clear and brought the bar up to near her face. Stunned gasps and open mouths greeted her as she raised her arm over head and held nearly a literal ton over her head for a moment. She passed it to her other hand and brought it down for a few curls. She set the weight back and smiled, oh yeah, she was just getting started.
Probably 24 and 3/4 inches now she looked at her bulging bicep and looked at the guys around her, "Want to arm-wrestle? We can try to go three at a time if you like, you all use both hands even."
"Oh, are you scared now?"
"Isn't that the sane reaction?"
"Come now, I won't hurt you. Not any more than you'd enjoy anyway," Lisa smiled as seductively as she could and a couple of guys, well, went early. "Flip the table over on it's side. We'll compete over shoving it to one side or the other. Fit as many guys as you like. I promise to only use the one arm."
A few of the brave ones agreed and Lisa found her one arm facing off against a half dozen professional body builders and power lifters, the biggest and strongest men to be found for miles around. It was almost sad just how pitifully one sided it was... she barely felt the effort as the table gave way before her and the men couldn't slow it with all their combined weight at strength.
"I guess we'll have to swap from calling you super woman to goddess, huh?"
"I find the proposal acceptable. Now, who wants to bow?"

Lisa's eyes opened and her vision quickly came into focus, she'd fallen asleep after a long run of programming. Her silky soft black hair was pooled around her head and she realized as she wiped her mouth that she'd drooled on it...eww, her sleeping manner was definitely not something she could allow to be known about her. She sat up and stretched as she looked at the time, 4:30 am...huh, she must have been wiped, she rarely slept more than two hours.
"Well, I suppose we all have to dream about something," Lisa muttered to herself and flexed an arm, feeling the colossal strength at her disposal. She was already unbeatable womano-a-anyone-else-o, so what could she aspire to other than to be completely unstoppable? Though somewhere in her unnaturally powerful subconscious processing, she was wondering if there might be a grain of truth to the dream.

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