The Bodybuilding Contest

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How exactly does one get that job? Is there something skeevy to having a dude do it? Lisa wondered to herself as she watched the women ahead of her in the competition get 'help' with being oiled for the presentation. It was kind of clinical admittedly, but there was this guy here that rubbed sections of over thirty strange women to get them to shine enough under the stage lights. She was last on the list on her own request, planning on being the grand finale.
The guy got to her and she held out her left arm straight out. He started on her forearm and worked down. When he got to her bicep she flexed suddenly and watched him startle as his hand was forced up. She smirked a bit, he'd been feeling powerful muscles for quite a while and here he was surprised by the raw strength in hers. She knew it would happen, but it was still kind of satisfying.
"Hardest here."
He looked at her like he might retort something, but then nodded instead, conceding that she was right.
"Weight?" He picked up a 25 pound weight from the warm-up set. Some gals did some curls and stuff to make their arms bulge as much as possible before going on stage, and a few were doing it now.
Lisa took the offered weight, but she grabbed the plates on either side and said, "this is a toy to me" and bent the weight so that the plates clicked into each other on the side opposite her hands.
Eyes looked like they were trying to pop out as she hurled the weight over her shoulder effortlessly. It hit enough time later Lisa knew it made it about 80 feet / 24.384 meters / 26.6667 yards / etc. down the hall before landing.
"Well, ah..." he started to look through the others for bigger weights.
"You don't have my work out weight," Lisa cut him off and grabbed the guy's belt, she lifted him up and let him grab her arm as she raised her arm to parallel to the floor and held his weight up with one hand a while. She did some partial curls with his weight, around 150 pounds / 68 kilograms / 10.7 stone / etc. with a smirk before setting him down.
"Maybe get a table," Lisa patted him on the shoulder and pointed to where the fold ups were kept, "hey! Anyone want to try arm-wrestling?"
"Ugh, Lisa... I don't want to repeat that experience," said number 29 the unfortunately named Stacey Morgan, she had come in second to Lisa once before, but most of her ten other placements were in the 3rd to 7th range.
"I'll let you use both hands," Lisa let the offer hang a moment, "and I'll try two at once."
"You're that sure? Dang you have an ego," that was number 27, April Garrison, the woman had done a dozen of these and never placed over 6th.
"Come on? What's the worst that can happen? It's got to be more interesting than just standing here waiting for everyone to finish their entire routine."
Number two finished her act as the table came out and Lisa challenged 3 and 4 to a match. She did everyone to try her, and their well-crafted muscles bulged and strained with powerful force, but she was just in a whole other league and set them all down easily at her own pace. She'd hoped she'd get some size in her arms but the swelling was slow to go, though she was doing the other gals something of a favor as they strained to their full might. Forearms defined and biceps swollen, they should look pretty good on stage if they could keep from being flushed in the face from the effort.
"How are you so fucking strong? It's like trying to wrestle the terminator," Stacey grumbled as she took turns rubbing her arms with the opposite hand.
"State secret," Lisa stretched upwards and gave a little wink.
Another girl, this one just ahead of her at number 33 but who had not introduced herself asked, "Why this though? It's not like anyone's fooled."
She jabbed her finger at Lisa's chest and Lisa sighed a little. Experience told her the fastest way to resolve this, but it wasn't really pleasant for her. She stepped forward quickly into the other girl's finger, letting it poke into her breast.
"What?" the other girl went wide-eyed and then put her whole hand against Lisa's chest and gave a squeeze, "I don't believe it..."
"That's enough now," Lisa grabbed her wrist and pulled it off of her breast.
"I, uh, sorry...umn, my name's Michelle... which way do you, ah, swing? If it's ok to ask..." the woman was turning pink even under her make up and she pulled her hair towards her face a bit.
"No one I just met."
They still had a few acts to wait through.

Lisa went out on stage finally into the bright lights and smiled widely as a lot of the chatter in the audience died right away. She'd never needed to be told she was literally stunningly attractive, the way conversations stopped and people lost their train of thought, or sometimes just flat out walked into things looking at her for the first time would have cued in just about anybody. She did the standard flexes as she was asked, showing off her huge arms and high peaks. She drew her shoulders back later and the whole time cameras were going.
"Alright, Lisa, time for your personal routine. See if you can impress us."
Hardly a problem.
Lisa flipped onto her hands and twisted about into different poses to display her balance, at one point folding herself nearly up as she bent a leg around one of her arms. She untwisted in a smooth display and did a couple hand-stand push ups with both hands before changing to one hand. She did two and when she lowered herself down looking like she was doing a third, she straightened her arm as hard and fast as she could and launched herself six feet into the air. She had to hold in a laugh as she heard a pencil drop from the judge's table. She curled up and spun around three times in the air and unfolded to land on her feet.
She took a deep breath partly for effect and back-flipped herself a similar distance off of the ground, spinning in the air a few times again. This time she landed on her hands and walked around a moment before twisting herself about so she was holding her arms down alongside her body and she was holding her butt off the floor. She raised her knees up as close to her face as her build would let her and then stretched them out forwards in front of her. She did that twice more and spun around back to a hand-stand and launched herself upwards with both arms. This time she went up over 9 feet and twirled in a horizontal manner as the arc of her jump took her down to the ground and on her feet. She took a pose and let everyone catch their breath for a few seconds.
She started twirling about and posing to show off different muscle groups for a brief while and then turned her routine into more of a break dance for a few seconds. After twirling on her back in a splits pose she brought her legs to her chest again and kicked out, flinging herself back onto her feet and into a crouch. She jumped up with her legs for the first time and sailed up three times her height before coming back down into a bow. She righted herself and bowed to each side and turned to the judges.
"Holy crap."
", do you have wires?"
Lisa smiled and waved her hand over her head, but then she tugged at the strings of her little glittery show bikini and asked, "Where would I attach them? Anyway, this stage is pretty open, you'd see the operators, right?"
"Your athleticism is amazing, even in this crowd of super fit and driven athletes you stand out as more than a step above with the strength you have and I can't believe how smoothly you move. Lisa, you're awesome."
She smiled and said "Thank you" having to fight very hard not to make a smug little "I know" her retort.

"And the first place winner is Lisa DeLuca. Come on out."
Lisa strode over and accepted the little trophy with a smile.
"This is your fourth competition and your fourth first place right? How do you feel?"
"Honestly? Pretty normal...winning is kind of what I do."
"Well, you certainly have the confidence down. I hope you go on to do great things."
Lisa winked and leaned over, "Check my school records when you have time."
"Well Lisa, another flawless score," Stacey looked a little annoyed though she was on stage with third place.
"Could you be any more smug? Ugh."
"Don't be jealous now. I hear that ages you and you've had time to do a lot of these already, haven't you?"

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