Makin' Friends

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"I fail to see the point of this," Victoria looked over the baseball field and the assembled players.
"Look, my team's from the gym and the guys I brought with me, and your team..."
"Is made up of my own employees, I noticed. Am I right in thinking you're getting at the fact all of these people know about the both of us? It won't be expanding the pool of people that know about me any."
"Yep. I want to try this with someone on my level in the opposition. It's never been fair before."
"I might point out that you retain the advantage in that most of my team is more familiar with Cricket than American Baseball."
"We could mix them up, or maybe do that next. There are things to try."
"Fine, Lisa, I'll play along."
The game went about somewhat awkwardly, Victoria's people really weren't used to doing that sort of thing and she herself wasn't enthused about it. In comparison Lisa was excited enough for the both of them in theory, but not practice. Then things took a shift when Victoria was up to bat.
"Look, there's no point to this. Either put Lisa on the pitcher's mound when it's me at bat or we should just forego this and call it a home run automatically."
"Ha, I don't think so. You have to make the hit first," the pitcher challenged and threw a ball at the umpire's mitt.
Victoria left the ball slide by without contest and had a ball called. Feeling a little more bold the pitcher threw a curve ball and again Victoria just let it fly by her.
"You really don't understand the physical difference here, do you?"
"I'd say it favors me right now, you haven't even tried to hit the ball," the pitcher smugly shouted at her.
This time he tried a fast ball and Victoria let the end of the bat drop to the ground as she stepped forward and kicked the ball, sending it flying straight into the middle of a 0 on the scorecard. The thunderous crack of the sonic boom from her kick washed over a mass of stunned speechless players. Victoria made a mildly threatening look at the pitcher and dropped the bat to walk around the bases.
When she came up to Lisa on second she was surprised to see the other woman drop to her knees and hold up her hands, "I had no idea you cross dressed Sanshiro! I have a Saturn! There's no need for violence!" She started snickering at the end of her strange tirade.
Victoria raised an eyebrow at the strange outburst and sighed, "I take it that is some form of popular culture reference?"
"A little dated, but yeah," Lisa laughed more loudly, "Seriously who kicks a baseball?"
"Someone that's up ahead of you on the score right now," Victoria smirked and gestured at the changing score as she walked by, "try to catch up if you can, hm?"
The rules were given a special work over to allow Lisa and Victoria to pitch when the other was hitting and swap over to the usual pitcher otherwise. Lisa ended up with a bat facing Victoria's pitch first.
"I think the catcher and umpire should go ahead and vacate that spot. Pick an area to the side a little, more directly behind Lisa."
"Ooh, really going to cut loose huh? Do it guys," Lisa leaned in ready to go.
Victoria's pitch was accompanied by another sonic boom and it hit the chain link fence behind her with such force that some of the ball flew through the links, causing nearly the entire end of the fence to rattle and shake from the force.
"Oh come on! That would be like hitting a bullet!"
"You can do it Lisa, just think the math over a little and you'll realize it."
Lisa thought about the speed of Victoria's kicks and the tiny amount of range in striking range and compared it with bullet speeds and the speed she'd just seen and the length of space it had to traveal and realized that yes, she should be able to do it. She accepted the challenge and got ready again. Victoria accepted a new ball and pulled back again, this time Lisa swung and hit but the ball exploded, getting bits in her face.
"How do we count that? Is there something in the rule books?"

"Karaoke? Really?"
"Turned out to be a bit pointless, they both get perfect scores on everything... the crazy thing was the DDR thing though."
"Wait, there's still Dance Dance Revolution machines out there?"
"Apparently so, anyway another case of double perfect scores. Then they broke into the thing and overclocked it. Goes four times faster now and it sounds awful, but still the same result for them. No one else can play anything but the early stage stuff though."

Victoria stood underneath the basketball hoop for a moment before stepping slightly to the side and throwing it across the court to fall into the net perfectly. Lisa caught the ball as it came down and turned her back to the far side of the court and threw the ball back over her shoulder.
"I don't think this game has the means of challenging us," Victoria noted as she caught the ball falling through the net.
Victoria ran across the field and Lisa ran to meet her, she managed to twist and turn away from Lisa and come close to the net. She jumped up in a twirling, gymnastic leap that had her upside down over the net and completely clear of the pole and backboard. She made a point of simply dropping the ball as she sailed overhead and letting it fall in for the points.
"I can do that. Maybe not quite as much clearance though..."
"I know, I really don't think this is the game for either of us."
"Maybe if we can rig it mechanically like this one old commercial..."

"You want to race?"
"We already know I both run and swim faster. The outcome is determined already, just as it would be in a weight lifting competition."
"I was thinking with cars. Or maybe... go karts."
"You know, I actually get that reference."
"Great! Now we just have to figure out what we can throw at each other."
"No. "
"Come on!"

"This is another case where we're both going to look perfect to outside observers."
"You don't want to do this either?"
"This one I enjoy," Victoria stepped out onto the ice, "I just think maybe it's time to cut out the competitive angle most of these activities have had."
"I think we could make a hell of an act, that's definitely true. Too bad they like their couples to be a man and woman..."
"With those arms I'm sure you can pass with a little work," Victoria laughed as Lisa took a half hearted swing at her as she skated away.
Victoria turned to look at Lisa and skated backwards a while, she raised a leg until she had a 180 degree angle with her legs and hopped into the air, spinning so that she switched which leg she was standing on when she landed. She kept moving with a curve in her trajectory and jumped into the air and swapped legs a half dozen times, alternating between backwards and forwards flips. Lisa followed with a basic forward skate and caught up fairly quickly. Victoria spun about and made a circle around Lisa as she skated straight ahead.
"Show off."
"The old story of the pot and the kettle..."
Lisa laughed, "True enough."
They tried a few cooperative figure moves, including throwing each other way higher in the air than any Olympic performers ever had. They kept up the superhuman athleticism for a while and when they wrapped up and were about to leave Victoria surprised Lisa by grabbing her and spinning her around. Caught off guard and not sensing a dangerous intent she let Victoria push her back up against the wall.
"You know, there's one more activity I think we should try," Victoria said brushing Lisa's face with the back of her hand.
"I propose we go somewhere quiet, and then," Victoria ran her hand down Lisa's neck and side, "I bet I can get some very interesting noises out of you."
"Wow...uh, not subtle at all..."
Victoria laughed at Lisa's obvious nervousness and added her other, still somewhat stiff hand to Lisa's other side, "You're rattled Lisa dear. Don't tell me you've never been propositioned."
"Propositioned? I've been proposed to a dozen times... as for...HANDS!" Lisa jumped back when Victoria's hand slid back and pulled her hips closer.
"Aw, don't tell me you're straight? That would be...disappointing," Victoria moved her face close to Lisa's and turned enough to avoid any nose to nose collisions and stopped about a quarter inch short.
"I...I have...things, that need doing," Lisa pulled away and ran off.
"Who would have thought you'd be bashful? Well I suppose it's another encounter that I win.

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