Some random prompts 2

46 4 4

Painty: "I eat Cheerios because they're heart healthy! .....and my heart has been.. severely damaged..... So Blaze if you're out these-"


Glass: "And why do you want to work with Hermés Inc..."

Lolli: *Clears throat* "Shh."

Glass: "Woah! You're hired!"


Wh, on the other side: That moment when you hide behind a tree and forget why you walked there *KNIFE FLIES BY* Oh that's right I was getting chased by a serial killer


Lolli, dancing to a call from Maple: "I'M nOt anSwEeRing your phone call for a reaSoN. So, please stop CaLlnG mE beCUZ I don't LiKe you."


Maple: "Pst, can you pass the popcorn?"

Lolli: "Um, this is Diamond's funeral."

Maple: "Ohhhhhh. ...THIS MOVIE SUCKS"



Lolli: "This dumbass team with all this fakeass people"

Maple: "Hey"

Lolli: "Hey"

"...Fuckin' bish."


Maple: "Thanks! This is the best day of my life. I'm killing myself tomorrow."


Maple, to her team: "wHy ArEn'T tHe DiShEs In AlPhAbEtIcAl OrDeR?!"

Chalk: "WhAt DoEs ThAt EvEn MeEeEaAn?!"


Lolli: "Hello." *Checks non-existent watch* "It's currently half past 'I don't give a fuck'"


Tc: "Finish the lyric!" *Goes up to Amulet* "Badadadadaaaa!"

Amulet: "I'm gonna eat your face."

Tc, running: "Aaand IIIIII'm terrified!"


Bill: "She doesn't deserve you. If she doesn't treat you right by now, you're gone."

Painty: "I'm gone."



And now, John Mulaney quotes (more or less) BC I FUCKING CAN SUCKAAAA


Diamond: "Why buy the cow? Maybe cuz everyday the cow asks you when you're gonna buy it. And you live in a very small apartment with the cow, so you can't avoid that question at all, and also the cow is way better at arguing than you are, and she grew up in a family that knows how to argue, and a lot of people think that you like bulls, like the third thing that comes up when you search up my name is like "Diamond x Planty?"
(Lolli is the cow)


Planty: "Top three colleges? I thought I would be dead in Flask's lab by now."


Maple: "So I'll keep all my emotions right here. And then one day, I'll die."


Planty: "Lolli said I could make fun of her, and just not call her a bitch and say I didn't like her. I'm offended she thinks I could ever say that. Lolli is a bitch and I love her very much!"

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