NOT ART >:[ (but, please read)

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You know, I actually haven't been drawing all that long
Like, for a giant portion of my life drawing was just a little side-hobby

I didn't really look into it all that much

For the most part I thought I was gonna be a GAMING person or something-


No but honestly, not much really motivated me to draw for a long long time

But one day

I was just messing around on one of our old kindles

And I got a sort of, 'ad' for this thing called BFDI

Now I had gotten this 'ad' several times now, and I was getting relatively curious

So when no one was looking,
I searched it up

Turns out it was some kind of, YouTube series of sorts
Featuring little... objects? With stick limbs!

"How strange," I thought at the time

But I was curious, so, I sat down

And pressed play.

And then...

Everything changed for me.

One episode turned to two, and then seven, and then twenty
And then I had finished the whole series

I couldn't get enough of it, it consumed all of my thoughts

And then I found out there were more people who made things like this

And I gradually started to branch out

Finding new 'Object Shows' to obsess about and talk to other people about

And even then I went onto Wattpad, expecting to be one of very few object show enthusiasts

But to my surprise, I found an entire community of people

A really nice, and welcoming community

And I really felt, at home

Hah, sorry, fell a bit off track there!!

But basically, I discovered object shows only a couple years back, around 2019 I think

And only then was it when I started drawing a lot more

Because I had something I really liked- no loved, to draw, and talk about
(And they weren't exactly SUPER difficult to draw at the time too-)

Im honestly really proud of myself and how far I've gone from there

And I couldn't be happier that I found this community

So if you're out there, and feeling like your art isn't good enough,

Or you music feels wrong,

Or that your baking skills will never match those around you,

Or even just feel lost, and alone..

Please don't forget, there's a place out there for everyone. And everyone finds their community eventually

So keep on going!!

I believe in you!

And, stay safe.





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