Chapter Twenty

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Over the past few days, Sophie learned everything her new, transformable body could accomplish. Sometimes she would turn into a tiny bird and peck at Eve, which she did not like. Or sometimes she would transform into Eve just to annoy the heck out of her and confuse Veta when she came in. But the tiniest details gave her away. 

"So, I was thinking," Veta said, ignoring Sophie's failed attempt to turn back into herself (she had turned back except the hair), "maybe you could come to the next mission. You know, to spy on the elves of the Lost Cities." 

Sophie felt ambivalent about this. On the one hand, she would see the Lost Cities! On the other hand, she would see the Lost Cities. She let out a sigh. Her life was complicated. 

But Veta stared at her, waiting for her response. 

"Uh, okay, I guess." Sophie decided. "When do we go?"

Veta smiled. "Tomorrow. Come with me, we have specific clothes for you to wear."

Clothes here in the Hidden cities were not as fancy as the ones in the Lost Cities, which Sophie greatly appreciated. It was rather closer to the human clothes. They would dress fancy for special occasions, but other than that, they wore bland clothes. 

The clothes Veta showed her, however, were definitely not what Sophie would call "comfortable." There was a huge, glittering cape, an elegant, snowy white dress, white flats, and a pearl necklace. She also handed her a bottle of something that said hair -- color undetermined until tried on and blue eyes -- shade undetermined until tried on. She was going to change her features, too. How exciting. 

"Oh my gosh, this is beautiful but isn't it bad for camouflage?" Sophie wondered. She was hoping Veta would say this was all a joke. But...

"Think about it, Sophie. Elves in the Lost Cities wear beautiful clothes. It's better if we fit in, right? Besides, you're going to be transformed into a different being or animal with your new ability. The hair and blue eyes are just for simple precaution."

God, Sophie hated simple precautions. 

"Try it on, now, Sophie. It takes a while for the effects to kick in." She handed the bottles, and Sophie chugged it in two gulps. 

She didn't feel anything except the feeling of overhydration. 

"Good. I want you to go to bed early today, we'll be setting off at 7:00 in the morning, and the mission usually takes about a day to a few weeks." Veta explained, handing Sophie her gown. "Good night, Sophie, and see you tomorrow."


Sophie was running. She didn't know what she was running from, though. It could have been Veta. It could have been Eve. It could have been her past. 

Sophie raced across the Hidden Cities, knocking people along the way. 

In the end, when her lungs seemed ready to explode, she stopped, staring at a glass door. Sophie pulled it open, revealing... herself. 

"Hello, Sophie." She whispered. "Welcome back." 

Sophie was smiling. Everything was going as planned. She looked at the fallen bodies of the Neverseen. Victory was so, so close to her. 

But then, she heard a scream. It wasn't a scream of a person being welcomed by death -- it was a scream of full panic and fear. Sophie turned quickly, expecting to find one of her friends, but her eyes found golden hair. 

Sophie turned away. She still had unfinished business to do, after all. But the second scream made Sophie look at her once more. 

She was being held by her throat a knife pressed against it. Blood trickled down her pale neck.

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