Because There Is a Future

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THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER Y'ALL! SORRY FOR FORGETTING TO WARN YOU ABOUT IT AND ALL BUT... AAH!! I could let this go on, but then the basic plot is over, you know? And I PROMISE you will get some Sokeefe here. And some Tam x Biana. To all of you Biana x Dex shippers out there, SORRY!! Maybe I'll make that happen in the next book. 

Gosh, this is making me so emotional.

Well, enjoy, and thanks for being with me all this time. Love you all so much!

Oh, wait, I forgot to mention -- this part is being told by the one and only, Keefe Sencen.


I couldn't leave her side.

I just couldn't, after all that she had done to me.

It had been 12 days since Foster saved the world yet again, and she had been unconscious for that long as well.

I had been by her side the entire time, but a couple days ago, Ro had somehow managed to drag me home to shower and get sleep, coming all the way from the her kingdom to do that -- but after a few hours, I was back at her side. It was as if a magnet had been put between her and I.

I had sworn to myself to never leave her side again.

Fitz and countless other telepaths had gone into her mind, trying to see if the memory of the elves had been spared, but they all resurfaced with frowns and disappointed looks.

It felt as if a part of me died. Because it was the truth, actually. Sophie was, in a way, a part of me. I never knew that I would rely on another being, but look at me now. Pathetically holding the girl's hand.

A sigh cut through the air, and I turned to see Grady frowning at me.

Cue the overprotective father.

And yet, I couldn't bring himself to care, although I knew I should.

Without a word, Grady sat down next to me, staring at Sophie's pale, unmoving face.

What I wouldn't give to see her smile again, her laughter, her voice, her eyes.

"It really is unfair, isn't it." Grady started. It took me a couple seconds to understand what he meant. The whole Elvin world, yes, both the Hidden and the Lost Cities, had erupted into celebration for getting rid of the humans yet again, abandoning the true hero inside the tiny room of the Healing Center. Parades and parties were everywhere. Ro had vomited from too much sparkles. She was currently helping Edaline and Grady tame the dinosaurs.

I saw Elwin walk in, but when he caught sight of Grady, he walked back out, a sour expression on his face -- sort of like he was having fun. Having fun watching him chew me out.

"Sorry, I'll leave now." I said quietly. He probably wanted a little father-daughter bonding time, anyway.

I was beginning to walk out when he suddenly spoke up.

"I never thought I'd say this, but... You're a good guy." Grady mumbled. "Staying here with her 24/7, even when I'm not here. I... I'll admit, I was a bit harsh on you when you were younger. But I was scared, you know? Scared of handing over my little girl to who I assumed was a reckless boy. And... both of you have proven me wrong. She is not little, and you... are not reckless."

I remained silent, swallowing the lump in my throat before realizing that I should probably say something.

"I am still reckless, sir."

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