Chapter 1 | A Not So Small Family Secret

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2 months later, Austrian Bureau of Supernatural Beings, Puchberg am Schneeburg

***Adriana Anderson POV***

I strutted the marble corridors, my white heels clicking against the polished floor as my black and pink suit stuck tightly to my skin, my hair in a half up-do. I wrapped my skinny, bony fingers around the golden door handle, slightly turning it before deciding to whether interrupt my step-dad during his work hours or wait until his work finished.

His loud voice on the other end of the door startled me, sending a shiver down my spine as I heard him slam his fist on the table. Right now was not a good time. My step-dad was a patient man most of the time. He was calm and collected, all of his qualities which my brother inherited, but I didn't. I got my mothers' mercy, her anger issues and her personality.

"Get him here in 10 minutes. He needs to hear his verdict!" My step-dad shouted, the sound of him slamming the phone echoing in his empty office as he sighed loudly

Taking in a deep breath I twisted the handle, but before I could push open the wooden door, someone else did it for me from the other end, their looming figure terrifying me to my core as their shadow fell over me.

Looking up I saw my uncle, my step-dad's brother Damien, who was startled by my sudden appearance, his mouth slightly parted as I heard his heart beating furiously in his chest, a blank expression on his face.

"Oh, how long have you been standing here?" He asked, calmly, trying to hide the fear behind his voice

"Since dad yelled at the phone." I answered, my hands folded behind my back as I looked up at my uncle.

My uncle wore a three-piece dark blue suit with matching tie and pants, his cuff links personally designed with the letter D. His black and grey hair was slicked back, not a single strand out of its place as his hands rested on the insides of his clean suit pockets.

My uncle had dark brown eyes, his thin lips in a permanent frown as he always seemed to have a crease in between his brows. He had dark circles from his insomnia and a wide forehead from always pushing his hair back, a couple more wrinkles on his face than the last time I saw him. It made sense for him to have wrinkles, he was older than my step-dad by almost 17 years and my step-dad seemed to have a babyface.

"You've been here for 10 minutes?" He asked, earning a low chuckle out of me

Out of everyone in my family, I got well with my uncle. He and I had the same sense of humour, making fun of my step-dad. We did it because we knew it annoyed him, but that didn't stop us from making fun of him whenever he came to visit or I visited his house.

"You want some time alone with him?" He asked, quietly

"Yeah." I answered, a small smile on my face as my uncle moved out of my way to let me in, then closing the door behind me until it was just me and my step-dad

I took a step into my step-dad's office, an L shaped sofa on my right with a glass table in the centre, a human-sized globe to my left - which served the purpose of locating supernatural's - as half the walls were covered with in-built shelves, stuffed with hundreds of books.

My eyes landed on my step-dad's new table which covered half the room, a black marble design on it too difficult to see from the number of papers and pen's scattered on the table.

His office was fancier and luxurious than the others because of the position he held in the bureau, being president was not easy, but it got me access to some areas that other normal workers weren't allowed to, and along with the fact I was a member of one of the Sacred 4.

Empire of Eternals (Book 1 of The Eternal Series) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now