Chapter 16 | Fifty Shades Of You

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A few hours later, Anderson Manor

***Adriana Anderson POV***

I held the cookbook in my hand, reading the hundreds of words next to the picture of the dish; steak. Aiden had come home a few hours ago, surprising me with the bouquet of roses and having guests over. I couldn't take my eyes off the many bright red roses as I smelt them again and again, the sweet smell of them invading all my senses.

I could see him smiling ear to ear once he saw how happy I was with the flowers. I liked roses. I liked them so much I had bought rose seedlings, so I could grow them in the greenhouse on the third floor.

But, Aiden buying them for me felt so nice, so different. It felt different in a good way; my cheeks flushing a light pink as my heart skipped beats, the palm of my hands beginning to get sweaty. I just got my first bouquet of roses.

"Pass the Thyme and Rosemary, please?" Aiden asked, our backs facing each other as he cooked the steak on the pan

I dropped the book onto the counter, my eyes scanning over the many herbs and other cooking items on it as I didn't even know what Rosemary and Thyme were. I should've taken culinary classes, at least then I would know the basics on how to feed myself. But then again, I was part vampire, so I could live off of blood.

"It's those green leaves." Aiden informed, whispering, his breath hitting the side of my neck as my back curled

I felt his body press against my back, his fingers sliding to the side of my waist, then across my stomach as my heart fluttered violently in my chest, my knees going weak as he suddenly pulled me against him.

I slightly gasped at the sudden motion, the tip of his nose gently sliding down the side of my neck as his soft lips made contact with my skin, leaving wet kisses as his other hand rested on the side of my hip, firmly.

"Aiden." I spoke up quietly, careful not to let Dexter hear us

"We have guests in a few minutes."

He hummed in response as I felt his head nodding against me, his lips still resting against my skin as his fingers crawled to the inside of my hoodie, lifting it up slowly as his warm hands rested against my cold skin.

"Aiden, not in the kitchen." I complained, laughing a little as his breath hit my tickle spot

"Why not?" His voice went low and quiet as I felt his gaze on me

I felt my breath stuck in my throat as his fingers went down lower in me, into my denim shorts. The tip of his fingers made strange patterns that made me curl into his embrace even more, making me seal my lips tight as I refrained from being too loud.

"I thought you said we had guests." He whispered into my ear, making me shut my eyes tight as I savoured and enjoyed every second of this moment

"I guess I'll have to cross off the kitchen from my list later."

I groaned in annoyance, rolling my eyes as I knew exactly what he meant. I told him not to do it in the kitchen, so I guess this was my punishment for saying that. But, what was the fun in giving him the satisfaction that I wanted him right now? After all, 2 can play this game.

"Aww, are you exploring every inch of my house?" I asked innocently, my eyes stuck on the counter in-front of me as he kept me close to him

I heard him let out a deep sigh, his hands gripping my curves tighter as I gasped at the motion once again. For the love of god, why was I like this? I couldn't help but let all these thoughts pour into my mind with every touch Aiden gave me, and he used it to his advantage.

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