Chapter 20 | Trickling Down Like Solitude

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Miller residence, The Netherlands

***Adriana Anderson POV***

The flashing blue and red lights rendered it impossible to see what was in front of me, the men and women in the dark blue and green uniform swarming the grey roofed house, the yellow tape wrapped around the edge of the building as the light were all turned on, giving me a darkened shadow of all the people in the house.

The neighbours had decided to come outside and pay a visit to the sudden commotion around Jenna's house, their robes keeping their bodies warm underneath the coldness of the midnight sky, the dark heavy clouds covering up the bright moon as their voices melted into one.

I held my breath, scanning the crowds of people from a safe distance as Aiden stood by my side, in front of our car. Hermione's spine-chilling call shook me, the fear surging from inside as she informed me that Jenna was dead. After that, Aiden and I quickly drove to her place, praying that she was alright.

"Your dad." Aiden spoke, his eyes looking in the direction of a tall man with raven hair

I didn't hesitate another second to run across the street, staying behind the line of people as I panted loudly. What was dad doing here? And if his visit was surprising, The Director was standing right beside him, talking in with the detective who was in charge of the murder.


My voice immediately caused him to sharply turn in my direction, his eyes widening at my appearance as The Director also turned to look at the source of the sound. I ran into his arm, into his protective embrace as my body crashed with his, making him stumble back a little, my head against his chest as his hands gently rested on my back.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, gripping my shoulders as he pulled me away from him, his eyes widened the entire time as he looked at me with surprise at my appearance

"Hermione called." I answered, his hands leaving the fabric on my body as he turned to look at The Director

The 2 men exchanged glances, The Director shaking his head as my dad seemed disappointed. My dad didn't want me here, his eyes were screaming the words his mouth couldn't. But, what was he doing here? If anything, he shouldn't be here.

If this night couldn't get worse, the loud commotion of the neighbours drew my attention to what was happening. The men and women in the bright blue and green uniforms were bringing out a person strapped to the stretcher, a white sheet covering their body as the shedded blood soaked through it. It was Jenna.

Oh my god

"Where's Hermione?" I gulped, my eyes frantically looking over the crowd as gasps and flashing of the lights cut through the air

"Inside." The Director answered, his eyes darkening under the night sky as his blonde hair was partly wet

I turned to look at Aiden, who was standing by my side, his hand on my lower back as his eyes met my dad's. I could feel the tension growing between the 2 of them, both of them having a blank expression on their face, though Aiden's emotions were slipping through his weak facade.

I heavily stepped forward on my feet, sliding past the crowds of people whilst Aiden stayed right behind me. I crossed the yellow tape around the crime scene, running across the lawn and through the open door as the police and investigators talked indistinctly.

"Hermione?" I muttered, squinting my eyes at the dishevelled figure sitting on the stool in the kitchen

I quickly walked over to Hermione, walking past the forensic experts who were taking pictures of the wreckage of the living room and the detectives standing in the corner of it, scribbling on their notepads; the entire floor was crowded.

Empire of Eternals (Book 1 of The Eternal Series) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now