Chapter 27 | Red Roses, Red Wine, A Ripped Red Dress

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The next day, Anderson Manor, outskirts of Naarden

***Adriana Anderson POV***

My eyes fluttered open to the bright light shining in through the white curtains in the lounge room, my body in Aiden's embrace as his arm rested on my stomach, his sweet breath hitting the side of my neck as I took in my surroundings.

I looked around to see the lounge room a mess, the cushions on the ground underneath Aiden's clothes as we both laid partly naked, the table a mess from the intense session last night. There was no need for Aiden to hold back since he knew I couldn't get pregnant, and his jealousy added more to the waves of pleasure that sent my mind to a whole new world.

Each thrust, each one rougher than the previous made me reach my limit quicker, my lungs trying to take in all the moist air as he pushed in deeper, hitting that soft spot with more force until I was screaming for release, my sounds like music to his ears.

My clothes didn't even remain on my body for another second as we stepped into the house, Aiden truly ripping the dress off of me and deeming it worthy to fuck me right then and there; the couch, the tables, hell even the chair, the list could go on forever. We didn't even make it to the bedroom.

I was glad we were alone. At least that way I didn't have to worry about another person hearing us, at least that way I could enjoy him the entire night and until the bright sun began poking through the heavy clouds, signalling the start of a new day.

I shuffled around a little, trying to get out of Aiden's embrace in vain. But, I persisted. I slowly slid his arm off of my body, carefully, picking up Aiden's shirt which was hanging from the edge of the couch and throwing it on me.

I quietly tiptoed my way out of the lounge where I noticed my red dress crinkled, laying on the couch, ripped as it was practically useless. Because of Aiden, my amount of clothes were getting lesser, and there would be times when I had to wear his clothes, much to his amusement.

I sighed, walking over to the couch before grabbing the dress. I folded the material in my hand, the red colour vibrant and bright as I looked down at it, the memories coming flooding back. I felt Aiden's hand roaming my skin, exploring every inch of it as he decorated my body with kisses, his grip on me tightening as my screams of pleasure made me erratic.

"Zmizet." I muttered under my breath

The weight of the dress was replaced by air as it vanished, reduced to nothing. With the long face, I walked into the kitchen, taking out the batter for pancakes and orange juice. I took out the pan, turning on the gas as I dripped the batter into perfect circles, the small bubbles rising as the sweet aroma of the pancakes took over the kitchen.

I stepped back from the counter, looking at my reflection in the window as I got a clear view of the stream, the birds chirping loudly as the rising of the sun pushed back the night sky, creating a beautiful orange and red gradient.

I noticed the blue and purple marks on my neck, the small jewel-like bruises slowly healing as one vanished right in front of my eyes. They were deep, a lot darker than the previous ones, and the dull pain was more intense. Aiden was rough last night, much to my liking, but I guess I was still new to how I was supposed to feel after such a long, sleepless night.

A pair of strong arms came around, my waist under their grasp as Aiden leaned down, nestling into my neck as he took in the sweet scent of my body. I was almost going to tell him to stop, to pull back, so we could have one day where we didn't make out. But every small gesture of his made me want him.

"I thought you'd be in my arms when I woke up." He said, his voice husky as his lips left a touch on my neck

I pursed my lips inwards, refraining from making a sound the might encourage Aiden to remove the kitchen from his list. I gripped the counter tighter under my grasp, my eyes shut tight as my chest heaved down, the butterflies forming as my legs went weak.

"Well, you ripped my favourite dress." I complained, forcing the words out of my mouth as I quickly sealed my lips shut

He let out a deep chuckle, his warm breath hitting against my skin as my back curled into his embrace, the hair at the back of my neck standing up as Aiden's fingers lifted his shirt I wore, exploring my skin underneath it as his touch intensified the beating of my heart.

"I'll buy you another one." He muttered, his lips inches away from my ear

"And another one after that."

He left a peck on the other side of my neck, my breath hitching in my throat as his sweet scent drove me insane. He pushed my hair to the side, his hands now resting on the top buttons of the shirt as he undid the first few.

He slipped the loose fabric off my shoulder, pulling down my bra strap as he began leaving wet kisses alongside it, going further up. I instinctively leaned my head to the side, allowing him to drown me in the pleasure as he began leaving another set of my marks that were going to remain there for a while.

My fingers roamed in his hair, holding onto him tightly as I guided him to the soft spots, moaning quietly as this man made me want to do things I had never imagined. God, this was never going to get old.

"I'm going to go to hell because of you." I huffed out, speaking lowly

"It'll be worth it though, right?" He smiled, his free hand travelling to my neck

Before I could answer, his fingers came around my throat, grabbing me by it, but he didn't choke me. He leaned my head back slightly, pushing my body against the counter with his as he left a trail of kisses alongside my jaw, going up to my lips as he turned my head.

He kissed me deeply, his lips dominating mine as I forgot whose air I was breathing. His tongue slipped inside my mouth, exploring deep inside as I suppressed a moan, his hardness pushing against me as the air escaped from my lungs.

His grip on my waist turned me around, his chest glued to mine as his soft lips came crashing against mine. All the worries brushed away from my mind as my sole purpose was to feel Aiden, to take in the taste of him as I gave in to my desires.

The front doors were thrown open, slamming against the wall as the loud sound was sent echoing down the manor. I harshly pulled away from Aiden, jumping a little from the sound as a pair of quick, rhythmic steps neared us.

Paige stood behind the banister of the kitchen, halting all of a sudden as her eyes flashed quickly between me and Aiden. I frantically pulled the loose shirt up my shoulders, covering myself as I hid the bruises underneath the large collar.

"What's going on?" She asked in disbelief, her eyes widening

"Nothing. What are you doing here?" I asked, gulping nervously as I held the front of the shirt tightly

She didn't answer. She stood there, her body stiff and frozen as her lips were parted. Was it a shock that Aiden and I were together? What else was meant to happen when she knew I had feelings for him for a while, and we were now living under the same roof?

"Your uncle was having the Amulet sent over to the boarding school, but the truck ran into a crash." She explained, horror creeping onto my face

"Is he okay?" I asked, stepping forward in her direction

"He's fine. He wasn't in the truck. But, when the Amulet didn't reach The Director, he was furious. He wants to talk to you."

I drew a sharp breath, my heart skipping a beat as I blinked quickly. I messed up big time. Getting the Amulet was my responsibility, but I put the burden of it on my uncle and dad's shoulders and fucked Aiden the entire night.

I wasn't prepared for this. I didn't think it was possible that getting the Amulet to The Director was going to be this hard. The Karlsten's were making this difficult, their actions infuriating me. I wasn't left with much of a choice now. I could either listen to The Director tell me that I shouldn't pursue anything else in the resurrection of Kristopher, or go and meet Alex today.

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