Chapter 36 | From A Son To A Brother

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Vienna, Austria

***Amara Zachariahson POV***

For over 600 years the infamous family, The Provenza's, lived in isolation, cutting contact with the rest of the supernatural world and the bureaus. Their so-called vengeance for the revelation of supernaturals to a few selected humans had left a bitter aftertaste on our lives.

Granted, the spell required to compel away the memories of Kristopher from the humans originated from their family, it had failed miserably on a few selected mortals, the guilt of it tugging at their hearts as they shut their doors, claiming their independence through a single letter over 600 years ago.

I'm not much of a believer, but there have been times in my life when things have gone my way indefinitely, and I trusted that God was behind it. And just like that, the spell required to locate The Provenza's was a success through one of my witches, and here were my brother and I.

"I thought it'd be bigger." I proclaimed, taking in the sight of the large mansion

The white-painted mansion stood tall, at about 3 storeys high and the large land which could hold roughly 4-5 normal sized houses. Rose bushes lined the edges of the fences, the freshly cut grass brushing against my exposed ankles.

"How much bigger do you want it to get? Bigger than your ego?" My bother remarked from behind, earning a low laugh

I stepped forward in my heels, pressing against the hard concrete as I climbed up the small porch. My arms swayed by my side, my head slanted as the edge of my fingers twirled around the golden coloured handle.

"Keep it or break it?" I asked, my eyes fixated as my lips were turned into a sly smile

"Whichever that can get the job done." He replied, his footsteps approaching

"Break it, it is."

I took a small step back, balling my hands into fists as the flatness of my shoe made contact with the wooden door, causing it instantly fall backwards and land with a thud that echoed down the empty house.

"How was that?" I asked, smiling brightly, turning around to face him

"You have a knack for destroying beautiful things anyway." He murmured, the bitterness dripping with every word as he walked past me and through the threshold

I scoffed, turning around and walking through the door right behind me as we stood in the large front entrance, the bright lights bouncing off the equally bright walls as a set of 2 curved stairs led to the upper floors.

"So quiet. Do you think everyone's gone grocery shopping?" I smiled, well aware that my habit to annoy him set his nerves on fire

"Please stop. I'm trying to figure out what's wrong." He snapped, glaring in my direction

"Why? Because we crossed the threshold? There's nothing wrong, big brother. They've gone out shopping, duh!"

He rolled his eyes in response, sighing exasperatedly as he shoved his large hands into the pockets of his dark blue suit. God, didn't he have a knack for wearing a suit everywhere, even when it wasn't necessary?

"They're meant to be here, Amara." He spoke gently, his eyes taking in the details of the room

"No. The blood-stone's meant to be here, not them. Unless it changed positions during our 2-hour car ride here." I informed, striding to the marble staircase before sitting down on the bottom step

I looked across the room to see my brother slowly walking around it, taking in every inch of its fine, luxurious interior as he seemed determined to find the negative. His brows were furrowed, a strand of his blonde hair falling on his wide forehead as his muscles bulged from the suit I had gifted him years back.

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