Chapter 22 | 1 Corinthians 6: 18-20

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Anderson Manor, Outskirts of Naarden, The day Of The Masquerade

***Adriana Anderson POV***

I let out a deep breath, my chest rising up and down as my eyes slowly opened to the bright sunlight peering in through the open curtains. The house was quiet. Dexter crashed at Paige's place last night, calling me time from time, yelling at me to be careful. Though he could've done it in a better manner than yell across the phone, and tell me the consequences of not getting the amulet; my death by The Karlstens. Wasn't our sister-brother bond perfect?

I propped myself up on my elbows, glancing over at Aiden who was still asleep, laying on his stomach as his defined back came into my view, the white sheets reaching up to his pelvis as he slept shirtless. I smiled at the view in front of me, the strong feeling rising from my chest, my heavy hair falling by my face as I inched closer to Aiden.

"Aiden?" I whispered into his ear, taking in the sweet scent of his body

The tip of my fingers traced shapes on his back, around his shoulder blades as the smoothness of his skin felt surreal. I noticed the nails marks on his back slowly fading away from a couple of nights ago. I offered to heal them for him, but he refused, adding to my amusement of why he wanted to keep them.

"Aiden?" I whispered once again, hoping my voice would wake him up

He shuffled around a bit, turning his head in my direction as his sleeping face came into my view. His features were soft, his eyes closed as his lips were slightly parted, a couple of his hair strands resting on his forehead.

I bit the inside of my mouth, my lips nearing him as I placed a soft kiss on his skin, my hand moving up and down his back as I took in the feel of his body. I moved up, my lips kissing his shoulders, then his neck, and finally his cheek as its coldness blended in with mine.

"What are you doing?" He groggily spoke, his eyes still shut as his brows knitted

"Waking you up. And it worked." I answered, my hand on his waist as the pad of my thumb pressed against it

His eyes remained closed as my lips continued to explore every inch of his back, the cold morning breeze infiltrating the room as the balcony doors slightly swayed from the force, gently thudding against the wall as the birds chirped loudly.

"I can get used to his, you know?" He commented, letting out a weary laugh as his blue eyes made contact with mine

I plopped on the pillow next to him, my eyes moving up and down on their own as I took in every detail on his face. From his ocean blue eyes to the small dimple on one side of his cheek, his long eyelashes and his pink-tinted lips; he was handsome.

"The masquerade's tonight." He informed, speaking lowly as his words went in one ear and came out the other

I continued to gaze at him, admiring him as his words brushed past me. I couldn't concentrate on anything around Aiden, hell, not even what he was saying. The only thought on my mind was to kiss him, my eyes constantly looking back and forth on his lips to his eyes.

"Jeez, women. If you want me to kiss you, just say it." He exclaimed, smiling ear to ear

His hand came to the side of my face, his lips brushing against mine softly as I laid my head back into the marshmallow-like pillow, his naked chest pressed against mine. I felt myself intoxicating as the butterflies rose in my stomach, my breath hitched in my throat as he pulled away.

I lingered on for a bit, but didn't make it quite far as his touch on my lips was replaced with a hollow feeling. I sighed, dropping my head back onto the pillow as I felt Aiden's piercing gaze on me the entire time.

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