Chapter 29 | Truth, Dare, Torture And Torture

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The Grote Kerk of Dordrecht, 2 hours out from Anderson Manor

***Adriana Anderson POV***

I slammed the car door shut, balling my hands into fists as I walked along the concrete pavement of the large church. What a location Alex had chosen to meet up? A church, a devil in God's home? Maybe, if something went wrong today, Alex would really be seeing God in person rather than just standing in the place where he's worshipped.

With one last stride, I placed my hand on the wooden doors, the anger fuelling my magic as a faint green coloured hue radiated from my palm. The doors were thrown open with force, making loud contact with the walls as the thud echoed down the empty building.

My eyes landed on the certain brunette who stood at the end of the aisle, his back towards me as I felt his green eyes taking a glance at my appearance. I gulped, my hands swaying by my side as I closed the distance between us quickly, until I was standing a few feet away from him.

"You're late." He complained, his deep husky voice bouncing off the walls

The bright sunlight glared through the clear windows onto us, creating an enchanting sight unfolding as the polished wooden benches shined brightly, the orange flames dancing rhythmically in front of Alex from the lit candles.

"I'm right on time. You're just an early bird." I retorted, stepping beside him as I took in the sight of the lines of candle

I felt the warmth of the burning hot sun, its heat relaxing my stiff muscles as I took in deep, controlled breaths. I glanced at Alex, who was spinning the lit candle in his long fingers, the motion revealing the silver ring on his middle finger as they worked quickly.

I could have sworn my breath stopped in my throat when a drop of the burning hot melted wax landed in the palm of Alex's hand. I was left stunned by the brunette's reaction, who just looked down at the melted wax, an amused look on his face as he was unbothered by the pain of the burn that was going to follow by.

"It's funny, isn't it? We're truly immortal, but we can't have the simple human pleasures of death or pain?" He spoke, his voice calm and cold as his gaze was stuck on the droplet of the wax

My eyes remained stuck on him, taking in the paleness of his face as he buried all his emotions deep down. The silence from his side was nerve-racking, making a pitiful feeling inch it's way up my back and take over my mind as I couldn't tell what he was thinking. He was blocking me out of his mind.

"Very, actually." I replied, sarcasm dripping with every word as his lips turned into a small smile

"We tend to hurt humans, thinking they can take the pain, even though they can't. We kill innocent people for the things we want, not caring about their lives because we're the ones that are immortal, not them."

His smile instantly turned into a visible frown as he tensed up, his heart beating faster in his chest as his fingers tighten onto the candle. For a second, I thought he was going to grab me, push the burning candle deep inside my skin and imprint its mark on it.

But, I was proven wrong when he carefully stuck the candle in place on the table, his hands retreating into the clean pockets of his black suit as he had a solemn expression on his face the entire time I talked. Did I say too much? Even if I did, he didn't have a right to complain.

Alex killed the Ainsworth's and the truck driver, then proceeded to steal the Amulet and hand it over to his family, so they could resurrect Kristopher. He deserved to hear of the horrible things he had done, feel the so-called pain that he claimed he never felt. Deep down, his heart was aching at all the terrible things he had done.

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