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Elara froze as she caught the sight of the dog. But at the second glance, she felt like that the dog wasn't dangerous, at least not to her.
"Hey doggy doggy. What are you doing here? Don't be afraid... I don't want to hurt you."
The dog looked at her suspiciously, but eventually came closer so she can touch him.
"Good boy. Do you live here? Do you have other friends? I can be your friend if you don't have any. I don't have any friends, too. Would you walk with me? I need to get to the castle. You can stop following me whenever you got bored."
To her amazement, dog seemed to understand every word she was saying. Calm and quiet, he started to walk with Elara.

"You are such a clever dog. I would love to tell all about you to Draco, but he seems pretty occupied flirting with that Pansy girl and spends the rest if his Pansy-free times bullying people. His favorite case is Harry Potter. Certainly he wouldn't be fascinated by my dog story, specially now that he is wrapped up in bandages in hospital wing. We were so close together since we were born, but this year he has loads of things that interests him far more than keeping my company. I feel so lonely these days, but now that you're here, I'm better. I want to call you Black. The reason is obvious, isn't it? You are jet black. Anyway, I'm Elara Riddle. My dad is Severus Snape and my father is... well... he isn't called by his original name anymore, he likes people to call him Voldemort."

The dog froze as he heard Voldemort's name, and suddenly looked so dangerous as he bared his teeth, growling and snarling.
Elara could vividly see the will to tear her apart in dog's 'not so friendly anymore' eyes.
"Whoa, whoa easy doggy, easy Black. no one's gonna hurt you. Funny, even you don't like me now! There is no wonder I can't make friends when even a dog becomes my enemy as it finds out about my father. But I'm not an evil. I promise I won't hurt you. I'm so sorry if I scared you." Elara felt tears in her eyes.

Dog stared at her for a couple of seconds, then slowly lowered his guard and looked harmless once more. Elara bent down and kissed dog's head.
"Thank you Black. You know I really want to make friends with people, but no one likes me. I mean, Slytherins are around me all the time, but they don't like me. They're just being nice to me because their parents has force them to. They have been mostly Death Eaters back in time. Beside them, I don't have a chance with the good side, either. Gryffindors loath me, and Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs doesn't like me either. There is absolutely no one I can find when I am in need of a company. This year though, there might be a chance. We've got a new DADA teacher; professor Lupin. I saw him on the train and he seemed quite ill. But do you know what's so strange about him? Dumbledore has asked my dad to make him a potion, and dad wouldn't tell me a thing about the potion, but I'm not an idiot. I have all the potions books my dad possesses by heart. Based on the ingredients dad requires, I can definitely tell you that he is making a potion, which is to control a werewolf in the full moon. Remus Lupin is a werewolf and that, my darling, is an opportunity for me to become his friend. It's a common belief that werewolves got a dark side because of their nature, but Lupin in his human form seems nice. Maybe his wolfy part likes me as he is going to be conscious during his transitions with the help of potion and gradually, we may become friends. Oh... why did you stopped walking? You don't wanna get to the castle ground? Well that's fine. That must be why I've never met you before. Well, I guess I will be here soon enough again, my dad will probably be sending me back to collect materials for Lupin's potion in near future. See you later Black." Elara kissed the dog's forehead and stepped out of the woods.

She reached Hagrid's hut again and knocked. "Bad news Hagrid, I'm still alive and I'm headed back to the castle." Elara shouted.
The door bursted open and made Elara jump. Hagrid's hair and beard was wet but he seemed more focused than the time Elara announced she is going to the forbidden forests.
"I've never wanted you to die Elara, but just hearing out your family name brings the worst memories of my life back to me. I don't hate you but I really hate your father." Hagrid explained in a harsh voice.
"Yeah... I understand... ok then... goodbye." Elara was taken aback.
Hagrid tried to form a weak smile.

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