6. Moon, stars and Him

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"Georgeeeee" Someone slurred my name. I turned around from my seat on the kitchen counter to see April come stumbling towards me. I jumped down and rushed to her side.

"Ril, what happened? How are you so drunk?" I asked worriedly, helping her to sit on a bar stool. She giggled at no one in particular.

"I wanna go homee!" She slurred getting drowsy. I sighed, looking at my very drunk best friend. This was not a surprising scene for me, infact I was expecting this. That's what happens every party. April and Brandy get drunk out of their minds and then I have to take care of them. But I am not complaining. They would also care for me the way I do to them if the case was reversed.

I dialled Brandy in hope she'll pick up and guess what? It goes to voicemail every darn time. I looked at April again. It's a new place with new people. How am I supposed to take them home? What if I go to search for Brandy and something bad happens with April or the other way around. I was panicking more with each passing second.

And as if miraculously my prayers were heard. Parker and Derek came into the kitchen slightly swaying. I rushed to them. "Hey guys, please help me." I waved at them awkwardly and gestured to a sleepy April on the stool.

"What happened to her?" Parker asked. He seemed less drunk. I told him about the situation and they offered to let her sleep in one of the guestrooms. I was grateful for that. After helping me put April in the upstairs guestroom they went to their party again. Once I was sure that April was safe and fine I went downstairs to search for Brandy.

I checked all the rooms on the first floor accidentally seeing some naked people. When people do it they must lock the door. On the ground floor where the party was in full swing there was a locked door and I opened it trying my luck to find Brandy. I almost cried out of happiness when I saw her in that room with other people.

People turned their heads to me noticing my intrusion. "Hey George join us!" Derek said patting the space beside him. The people were sitting in a circle so I made my way towards the circle and sat beside Derek.

They were playing seven minutes in heaven, more like hell, and I was totally unbothered. I whispered to Brandy who was on Derek's other side. She turned to me smiling.

"Where were you?" I asked her in a hushed tone.

"Sorry, my phone died. I was here all along." She replied apologetically.

"Are you okay?" I asked with worry. She could be troublesome sometimes.

"Yeah, I'm very okay." She said in a hushed tone, her eyes drifting to Derek for a moment. I smirked to myself.

A few rounds were played with different people entering happily and exiting the closet with hickeys, bras, disheveled look and blush.

I was relieved when the game ended without me playing it. Derek asked us to stay the night over as April was drunk so I left the room after telling Brandy where April was.

I went to the pool on the back of the house which I saw from the kitchen. I was shocked to see a figure there and yelped, making my presence known. The figure turned to look at me and I was surprised to see it was Hardin.

I still made my way to where he was and dipped my feel in the cold water. I was in a safe distance of two feet away from him. We sat in silence for some time, not disturbing the other's thoughts. I was thinking if I did the right thing coming here. I missed my parents, a lot.

I looked up to the moon whenever I missed them but today there was no moon in the sky. It was filled with tiny bright stars but not the moon. Just like the stars cannot take the place of the moon nobody ever can love me as much as my parents. And now my parents are also beside the moon leaving me in alone in a starry night.

I felt eyes on me, so I turned to my right seeing Hardin staring at me weirdly. "What?" I asked him frowning.

"What were you thinking?" He asked me curiously.

"It's none of your business." I said him curtly.

"The frown between your eyebrows make you look ugly." He said unmoved by my rude reply. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You are ugly!" I said, scoffing. I was lying. He wasn't ugly at all. Infact he was the most handsome person I've ever seen.

"Oh please! I'm the most handsome man you could have ever met." He said smirking, as if reading my thoughts.

"No you're not. You are so full of yourself." I rolled my eyes at him not admitting to the fact he was right.

"I'm not full of myself, you are just delusional." He said smirking again. And then he did the most unexpected thing. He splashed me with water. My eyes grew as big as saucers.

"Oh you just didn't do that." I said glaring at him and splashing him. I smirked as he shuddered by the cold water. He didn't back down though, he splashed more water on me.

We continued splashing at each other until I pushed him in the water. He squeaked and I laughed out loud, holding my belly. He was waving his hands frantically in the water, his face still not out of the water.

"Are you okay?" He didn't reply.
I didn't ask if he knew swimming! Oh shoot! What if he drowns and dies!?

I got scared shirtless and dived in the pool. As soon as I was in the water something caught my leg and I freaked out more. I pulled my head out of the water and saw Hardin laughing. He was pranking me?

I narrowed my eyes at him and started punching him on his arm. "You butthole! Knuclehead! Do you know how scared I was!" I asked him still hitting.

He took a hold of my hands. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He apologized sincerely. I pulled my hands out of his grasp, rolling my eyes. "But your face looked so funny!" He said laughing again.

"Shut up." I told him with a smile and joined in laughing with him. After our laughter died down we came out of the pool.

"You are quite fun." I said to him smiling a little.

"You can learn from me how to be fun then." He said smirking and I hit him again. We shared a laugh again.
Didn't knew this guy could have this side to him.

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