5. Friends and Parties

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In psychology nothing happened much. The teacher asked us to introduce ourselves and sit wherever we like but she will allot the seats to students according to our names. Upon hearing it everyone groaned including me. If that happens I'm sure I won't be able to sit with April and Brandy, because we have different alphabets in our surname.

This class had benches for 2 people. I shared one with April while Brandy sat with someone she befriended in her geography class. She was a social butterfly unlike us. But she still hanged out with us the most saying we are her soul sisters and will always choose us. The boys sat behind us with Parker and Derek sharing the bench and Hardin sitting alone. Two seats were empty meaning everyone should have to be in pairs. I don't like this class, already.

Psychology ended as quickly as it started. And soon the school was over for the day. I felt like a free bird again as I stepped into the parking lot, away from the crowd of students. I reached our car and hopped in immediately. Brandy was already there as she had a free period.

"Where's April?" Brandy asked me from the driver's seat.

"She said she wanted to meet with her art group and asked to wait for her in the parking." I said and plugged in my headphones.

"Ok. I'm gonna have a power nap don't wake me up." I gave her a thumbs up and texted Aunt Martha and Aunt Zoe about our day. They were quick to respond, so we started chatting when suddenly there was a knock on my side of the window. I was startled and my phone slipped through my hands accidentally.

I turned to glare at the person who knocked on the window, but was surprised to see Derek there. I shook the sleeping beauty near me and she opened her eyes groaning.

"I asked you to not to-" she stopped mid sentence as I gestured to Derek with my thumb.

We stepped down the car and approached them at the hood of the car. "Yes?" I asked him folding my arms across my chest. His eyes followed my actions and lingered there for a moment.

"Eyes here up mister." I snapped at him. He gave me a sheepish smile, rubbing his head.

"I wanted to invite you girls to my party. It's today at my house." He gave a million dollar smile, feeling proud about that.

"Why are you throwing a party when tomorrow is school?" Brandy asked him, furrowing her brows.

"We throw a party every year on the first day of the school and it might be a welcome party for you girls so thought to invite you." He replied, shrugging.

I looked at Brandy and saw her looking at me. She gave me a look meaning she wanted to go but was unsure. I sighed and turned to Derek.

"We'll contact you once we decide. Give me your number." I handed my now cracked phone to him.

He typed his number and gave my phone back. "Sorry about your phone." He said guiltily.

"It's alright." I said rolling my eyes.

"I hope to see you there." He said and looked at Bree excitedly.

April came after some time Derek left. She told us how she is thrilled to have an art club. When we told her about the party she was quite happy. When I reached home I contacted him telling we were coming and he sent me his address. The party started from 7 p.m.   and we decided to get ready at 5.

Now I was standing in front of my closet wondering what to wear. I huffed and turned to go to Brandy.

"Hey, girl." I peeked from outside, wearing a cheshire grin. She was in her robe holding two outfits in each hand.

"Don't. Don't even think about asking me for help." She turned to me putting her hands on her hips. I rushed to her and hugged her.

"Please, please, please. Pretty please!" I looked at her with the best puppy dog eyes I could muster. She looked at me horrified and pushed me away gently.

"You don't ever choose the outfits I suggest. Instead you end up wearing your infamous red dress. So it's better you wear it now, and save my energy." She said while choosing some accessories to go with her outfit.

"Then I shall go to April. See ya. And by the way choose those golden skirt." I winked at her and left.

I entered the last room on the floor which was of April's. I peeked in and she wasn't there. I sat on the bed looking around her room. Unlike her, her room was a shade of bright orange, her favourite colour. Her desk was in front of the window across from the bed. The comforter and pillows were black and complimented well with her orange bedspread. The black blinds were drawn and to the left to her bed was the bathroom.

April came out wearing a black bodycon and if I was a boy I would have been falling on my knees and begging her to marry me. I whistled at her and she jumped two feet in air, startled. I laughed holding my belly and she looked at me shooting daggers.

"Ril, bro please help me out! I don't know what to wear." I pouted at her as she sat beside me.

"Did you go to Bree?" She asked raising her eyebrow.

"Yes. She told me to stick with my favourite red dress." I said rolling my eyes. She chuckled.

"Then I say stick with it." She smiled and went to her vanity on the right of the bed.

"You too? I thought you'll suggest something else." I was disappointed.

"Look, did you brought anything other than your comfortable clothes and some cardigans with you? No. You only brought that red dress of yours claiming that no matter what you'll wear this always. And now if you don't want to, I totally support you but now you don't have any other choice. I am a size larger than you and Bree is two sizes smaller than you. So..." April said to me sincerely. I could understand her now.

I smiled at her and hugged her. "Thanks, babe." She hugged me back tighter and then let go. I went back to my room and wore my dearest red dress. It was not that I didn't wanted to wear it. It was that, this dress reminded me of its owner. I had to come over it. I took a deep breath and looked myself at the mirror. It's just a dress Georgene, you can do it. And I did it.

After we were ready we got into the car and I drove to Decker's place. Brandy and I were going full out on drinking so April was the designated driver. The wind was blowing my naturally straight black hair with brown highlights. It was quite chilly outside and unfortunately I didn't brought any cardigan of mine.

We arrived fashionably late. The music was blasting throughout the house. As we stepped on the porch I saw a man puking his guts out on someone's car and I cringed in disgust. Thankfully Brandy parked our car a few houses away from here. We entered through the gate at the same time. Some people turned their heads to us and whispered amongst them but soon returned to do what they were doing.

"Hey, I'm headed to the kitchen." I said to Brandy and April, and turned to search for the kitchen.

It wasn't hard to find. The living room was connected to the kitchen away from the makeshift dance floor. The kitchen was empty. I opened the freezer and took out a coke. I was sipping it when I saw a pack of chips laying on the counter. I took it with me and sat on the counter.

That's how I spend my time in parties. Drinking coke and munching on chips in the kitchen. Away from the horny teenagers. In my own sweet world, enjoying my own company.

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