Chapter 5

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Izuku POV

I woke up to slight rocking, warmth, and soft talking. That was the most peaceful sleep I have had in a long time. I remembered what happened just before I fell asleep. I flushed. I found my soulmate. Holy Shi-take mushrooms.

I sat up groggily, immediately feeling the cold air hit me. I squinted through my blurry vision, but I still couldn't see. I smacked my lips.

"Cold..." I said softly, rubbing my eyes.

"Here, love." Aldwyn said. He guided my arms up and slipped a warm, fuzzy hoodie over my head. It was WAY too big but I loved it. I snuggled into it. I was then pulled against someone's chest. I looked up, now being able to see, I saw Aldwyn holding me. I leaned into his chest and yawned. 'Awes' erupted from the room and I squeaked, hiding into Aldwyn's chest.

"Sorry, honey! We didn't mean to scare you!" I looked up to see a nice white haired girl sitting on the lap of another girl who looked to be the exact opposite of her. Oh! They are Leah's friends from earlier.

"Oh my heavens! I apologize for my rudeness! I fell asleep before you could introduce yourselves!" I exclaimed, facepalming.

"Zu, don't worry about it! You did just get yourself a lover!" Leah said, making eyebrows at me. My face heated up and I hid my face in Aldwyn's chest.

"Oh leave him alone, Leah!" The white haired girl from before said.

"By the way Izuku, I am Amy!" The girl said with a smile.

"What are your pronouns and quirk??" I asked excitedly, my notebook in my hands.

"Where did-?" Leah started, but I cut her off.

"It's better if you don't question it." I said.

"She/Her and my quirk is called Animal. I can summon any animal, mythical or not and I can turn into any animal!" Amy said happily. I wrote it down before I turned to the girl Amy was sitting on.

"Evangeline. She/Her. Quirk; Black Vines. I can create Black Vines and do whatever. I am dating Amy." She said.

"Interesting.." I mumbled.

"Matt! He/Him! My quirk is called Shadows! It allows me to control shadows!" Matt said.

"Alex. ShadowMan's boyfriend." He got hit over the head by Matt. I giggled at the interaction.

"OW! Anyway, my quirk is Heartsore if I Blow a kiss to the enemy, they fall helplessly in love with me, they will do what I please. Then when I put my hands in the shape of a heart and snap it in half, it stops the love and they fall into heartbreak for 10 minutes, rendering them unable to move." Throughout the explanation Alex looked weird, insane almost. I shivered. He was then hit in the back of the head again by his boyfriend.

"YOU DIPSHIT! DON'T SCARE THE CUTE ANGEL!" Matt yelled at his lover.

"OW! I'M SORRY, OKAY?!" Alex yelled in response. I usually hate yelling but I felt okay with this. I giggled more.

"You know us." Leah said with a chuckle. I nodded. Only now looking at my surroundings. I was in a gorgeous garden-like room.

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