Chapter 7

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I feel bad so for apology update 2:

Also my writing style has changed so I will be describing 99% of all clothing and room details instead of having pictures.

There will be pictures for some things though! 🥰

Izuku POV

I laid on Aldwyn's chest as everyone played Just Dance™, their laughter and screams of happiness warmed my heart. Aldwyn's hand slowly rubbed my back soothingly. I have been in America for 1 month now and I have never been happier. Zaza and Otosan allowed me to live with the group in their mansion. Well, at least I have a room there. They aren't ready for me to leave fully.

"How are you feeling, My Love?" Aldwyn asked me softly. I smiled and looked up at him.

"I'm wonderful, My Devil." I giggled, bringing his lips to mine for a short and sweet kiss. My hand softly held his cheek, my thumb rubbing small circles on the smooth skin as I pulled away to look in his enchanting Azure eyes.

I stared into the irises that have entrapped me in their gaze thousands of times before. I only saw love in the pools of gorgeous blue. My eyes flickered to his lips. Aldwyn's hand slowly made its way under my hair to hold the nape of my neck. His large hand cradled my head and neck, pushing my lips to his. He softly turned his head as our lips collided. We have kissed a million times but each felt just like the first. Like a fire had been lit throughout my body and his touch was the only thing able to purge it.

I turned in his lap to straddle him, my arms reaching up to card my fingers through his soft black hair. I pulled him deeper into the kiss, opening my mouth to him. One of Aldwyn's hands rested in my hair, keeping me locked to him in pure passion. The other drawing circles on my hip.

His tongue clashed with mine. His taste was invigorating, constantly bringing me to want more.

I rolled my hips in wanting. Aldwyn disconnected our lips and smirked.

"I see it's time." He said. I tilted my head in confusion, Aldwyn's smirk grew.

Aldwyn suddenly stood with me in his grasp, and began to run away to our bedroom. The wind hit my face like a whip from the high speed. Aldwyn's feet were a blur on the ground as he ran. Before I knew it we were in the bedroom, the door locked behind us.

The bedroom was the master. Which consisted of 6 rooms inside the large bedroom. Ours was themed red and black. The colour combo showing passion and light and dark contrast. Of course gold detailing was set in place to add a pop to the duo scheme.

First walking into the room, you are met with a lounge area. A long deep red velvet couch sits on one side of a black wood coffee table, while on the other sits a matching red velvet loveseat and armchair. The carpet is a dark black, while the walls a red and black mix marble, hints of gold secretly laying in the pattern. From the ceiling hung a crystal chandelier, right above the coffee table.

On the far wall was a bar, full of drinks and snacks.

To the right was a fireplace. Above the mantle of the fireplace was the best and most recent TV. With surround sound.

Aldwyn carried me past the lounge and quickly to a red door, black spirals crawled like vines up the wood and the handle shined of pure gold.


Aldwyn pushed the door open, quickly locking it behind us.

The room was large and spacious. The floor and walls the same as the lounge. A diamond chandelier gracefully hung in the middle of the room, candles had been lit around the room, creating a gorgeous glow.

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