Chapter 6

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Izuku POV

Aldwyn and I had hidden out wings as we got into the car and I couldn't help but smile as we drove home. Aldwyn had insisted on driving me home. I happily obliged. I felt as though I couldn't be apart from him for long. What if Aldwyn was like Todoroki or…

My breathing picked up and I felt Aldwyn's hand rubbing my inner thigh in comfort, sensing my inner turmoil.

"Hey, I know this is all new and scary to you but trust me when I say, I swear to always love and protect you. You have nothing to fear My Love." Aldwyn said, pulling into my driveway. As soon as the car was in park I threw off my seatbelt and launched myself at him.

I grasped onto him tightly. Breathing in his scent. I immediately calmed. The stress of the Years, Months, Week, and Day finally reaching me. But… I was safe.

I felt a hot liquid roll down my cheek, landing on Aldwyn's shoulder. He got out of the car with me still attached to him. One hand rubbed my back, while the other supported me.

I buried my head into his neck. My sobs shaking his shoulder as I cried.

"Baby, it's okay. Deep breaths, My Love." He sprinted through the door and I felt him sit down, cradling me.

"IZUKU?!" Leah and Amy yelled in concern.

"AIGHT, WHO HURT HIM?!" Danny screamed. 

"Break?" Alex chirped.

"Yes." Matt approved.

"We'll only have a little chat." Evangeline said sinisterly, I could feel a heavy aura around her. I quickly wiped my tears and turned to them, smiling.

"I apologize. It's just that I've been so stressed and withholding all of my emotions for as long as I can remember, that having you all here, I just felt I could finally let it out. Thank you!" I said, giving them all a closed eye smile, tears still streaming down my face. I felt many pairs of arms wrap around me and I opened my eyes to see all of them giving me a hug. I hugged them back.

Well, I tried. There are a lot of them.

"You're never going back to Japan, my darling!" I heard Zaza yell. I opened my eyes to see him running at us at full speed. I squeaked in surprise as he hugged all of us, picking us up.

"AHHH ZAZA PUT US DOWN!!" I yelled while giggling. Zaza put us down and wiped the last of my tears from my face.

"Darling, you don't have to worry about anything anymore. You don't have to be the bigger person. You don't have to constantly fight. Let us take care of you. You are safe now." Zaza said. Otosan came from behind and nodded, putting his hand on Zaza's shoulder. Everyone nodded and I felt Aldwyn wrap his arms around my waist and rest his head on my shoulder.

"Love, just be the true you. Don't let the past stop you. You are safe." He whispered, nuzzling my cheek. I smiled, tears of pure happiness dripping from my eyes. I leaned back into Aldwyn, closing my eyes for a second.

"Thank you." I whispered. I buried my head into Aldwyn's shoulder and his arms tightened around me slightly.

"Rest, My Love. We will take care of you." My soulmate whispered softly in my ear.

With those final words, I let myself rest. Truly rest. Surrounded by the people who I knew I could trust. Surrounded by the people I loved. Surrounded by my family.

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