Chapter 8

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Mina POV

"THESE BITCHES SUCK AND SHOULD NOT BE FUCKING HEROES!!" I screamed to the Izusquad(which consists of Mina, Jirou, Shinsou, Denki, Tokoyami, Momo, Avery, and Koda. The teachers are also in it but they are not there). We were in my dorm room, chilling on the many beanbags, chairs, and couches.

It has been only 2 MONTHS since Izuku left and those bitches have convinced everyone in school, besides is of course, that Izuku abused Todohoeki and cheated on him. That Izuku bullied Bakuhoe for all of their childhood. The "Ex Dekusquad" told everyone that he talked bad about everyone behind their backs. It doesn't help that All Might started helping. So now the entire school populous has been fucking brainwashed by a bunch of jealous, angry bitches.

"I KNOW RIGHT?! I'M DONE WITH ALL OF THEIR SHIT!!" Avery screamed with me, her arm around my waist.

Avery and I had started dating a few weeks after Izu left. We just clicked.

I shoved my head into her neck, grasping her shirt.

"I can brainwash them to do the macarena for 4 hours again." Shinsou suggested. We all laughed at the memory. The Bitch-squad had been saying shit again and called Koda a "Silent bug loving freak". That was the last straw and Shinsou snapped. Discovering a new part of his quirk, he controlled all of their bodies and instructed them to do the macarena for 4 hours straight.

"That day was sick as hell." Kyoka mused, Denki agreeing with her. 

"Why don't we FaceTime Zu?" Momo proposed. I shot up.

"YES! Wonderful idea Momo!! Let's do it!!" I squealed, grabbing my phone. I quickly opened his contact.

Sinnamon Roll 💅✨😇

Call           Message           FaceTime

I clicked on FaceTime and it started ringing. We all held our breath in expectancy. All of them huddled behind me to get into the shot. 

It had been far too long since I had talked to my bestie, and I needed to hear his voice and see his gorgeous face. 

The words under his contact changed to


And I gasped.

Please pick up.

Please pick up.

Please pick up.

Please pi-



Nope!! 🥰🥰

Izuku POV

The bond between Aldwyn and I had grown drastically since we… did The Devil's Tango. And I could not be more happy. Leah, Amy, Danny, and Matt had screamed at us for not warning them, cause, and I quote:


Still don't know what it means, but I'll figure it out!

I was laying on Aldwyn's chest as the group watched Ready Player One. He was about to accept the first egg when my phone rang.

"Baby, could you grab my phone?" I asked Aldwyn.

"Of course, love." Aldwyn reached over and picked up my ringing phone. I quickly looked at the screen, only to squeal when I saw the contact name.

Tea Bitch 🍵💅✨

Answer               Reject

I paused the movie, and ignored the many groans from the group.

"Please be quiet, my friends are calling!!" I said, bouncing with excitement. I quickly pressed Answer .


The group moved behind Aldwyn and I to get a look at the phone.

"Hello!" I said in excitement.

"IZUBABE!!!" Mina screamed.

"IZUKU!!" Avery exclaimed.

"MY BABY!!" Momo yelled.

"ZUKU!!!" Kyoka sang.

"BESTIE!!" Denki screamed.

"Sup shortstack." Shinsou greeted.

"H-hello I-izuku!" Koda said happily.

"Welcome to Darkness." Tokoyami said in greeting.

"I like the birdman." Evangeline said, leaning into the frame. I giggled.

"Of course you would Ange!" I giggled.

"Woah woah woah! Hold the phone! Who are these hotties behind you?!" Mina questioned. I saw Avery facepalm but everyone else looked intrigued by the update.

"Oh! Yeah! Everyone, introduce yourselves!" I said, looking at the group behind me.

"I'm Leah Midoriya! Izu's sister!! Pronouns are: She/Her and my quirk is Wings of Light!" Leah exclaimed.

"Danny Luther. Leah's boyfriend. He/Him. My quirk is; Mime." Danny said in a monotone voice.

"Names Alex Heartsore! He/Him! My quirk is Heartsore! You can look it up!" Alex chimed in.

"Matt Light. He/Him! My quirk is Shadows! Alex's boyfriend!"

"Amy Wild! She/Her! My quirk is Animal!"

"Evangeline Caster. She/Her. My quirk is Black Vines. Amy's girlfriend."

Aldwyn looked up at the phone and smirked.

"Aldwyn Violetguard. He/Him. Quirk: Devil. Izuku's soulmate." Aldwyn said, slowly kissing up my bared neck. I giggled at him.

"WAIT WHAT?!" Erupted from the phone.

"BITCH YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME!!! I'M YOUR BESTIE!!" Mina screamed. I giggled.

"I know! I know! A lot has changed!" I explained.

"Hell yeah it has!" Denki chimed in.

"Next thing you're gonna say is that you lost your fucking V-Card!" Avery exclaimed. I bit my lip and looked down as my face turned red.

"NOOO! NOT THE BABY!" Momo screamed. Everyone burst out laughing.

"Yes, the baby! And this baby woke the entire block with his moans!" Alex exclaimed. I hid my burning face in Aldwyn's neck. My soulmate's chest rumbled as he chuckled deeply.

"Angel, don't hide your face." Aldwyn said sweetly. I looked up and he pecked my lips. A chorus of 'awwww's was heard from both groups.

My UA friends introduced themselves and we all talked and bonded for hours, until I almost fell asleep.

When we hung up, Aldwyn took me to bed. He cuddled me and whispered sweet nothings into my ear. I feel asleep with only one thought on my mind.

Shit. I need to call Dadzawa.

Words: 916

Hiiiiieeeee!! I know this one is short but here you go!! Hope you enjoyed! See y'all next time!!

~ Mina 💖💖

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