Chapter 1 - The Beginning of The End

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I would like to apologize in advance for any English mistakes I may make. I am not native to the language and I ventured into writing in English. I would be very grateful if you can make corrections in the comments, if you want. Thanks!

That icy blue immensity seemed to make everything even more still and silent in Kara's ears. She felt that the stillness of the Fortress of Solitude was all she needed lately to put all the ideas and feelings that were circling her head and her heart into place. National City was experiencing a wave of tranquility, and Alex, despite sensing that something could happen at any moment, agreed that Kara could leave for this retreat of hers. She knew her sister needed it after their conversation, and assured her that they would be able to get around any mishaps without Supergirl, if any. Still, Kara said she would be with her communicator, and insisted that Alex call her if it was something really serious.

Kara had been alone and silent for several days and still insisted on some denial about what she felt, but every day she was more certain that Alex was right. She didn't know where the subject came from on Danvers sisters' pizza and movie night, but Alex made her think that her friendship with Lena had something more then just friendship. And Alex swore it was as much Kara's as Lena's.

"Kara, have you ever stopped to notice how many times you two risked everything for each other? And she doesn't even know your identity, and yet she does everything for you... as Kara or as Supergirl. You would literally give your lives for each other, that's pretty clear!"

"But I would do it for any of my friends... you would too, Alex!"

"Yes... but the connection and intensity between the two of you is different. It's passionate. Not even when you were fighting would anyone think that one would give up on the other. Not to mention the way you look at each other..."

"How do we look at each other?"

"Kara, spare me... you look at each other with an intensity that would spark lightning. I know you too well and you don't look like that at anyone else, not even Mon-El you looked like that! And Kara, for God's sake... she bought Catco because of you! 750 million dollars! If that's not something other than friendship, I don't know what it is..."

"Oh, Alex... I think you're seeing things."

"Yes, I am. I can see the two of you clearly attracted to each other without opening up. I can read people very well, Kara, you know that. I know exactly what I'm talking about. You two just don't want to admit it, but both of you are in love with each other."

Alex's words echoed in Kara's mind from those many days alone in the arctic. Was Alex really right? Of course Lena was important to her, she would do anything for her friend. And every time she thought of Lena, her heart skipped a beat. She could feel the strong longing that pounded in her chest, so long without seeing or talking to Lena. Kara could see her green eyes as she closed her eyes with the memories. Maybe Alex was right after all. She felt something more for Lena, but she still couldn't put a name to that feeling. Maybe she didn't even need to name it, just feel.

Kara sat outside the Fortress, that rosy late-day sky made her miss home, miss Alex... miss Lena. And almost instantly, she felt a pang in her chest. An unexplained fear. A pang of fear that took the stillness out of her. Almost as if she guessed something was wrong, within seconds she heard her communicator make a static signal in her ear, and Alex opened the communication. Kara knew that couldn't be a good sign, Alex would only call her in case of extreme need, that's what they agreed.

"Kara, do you hear me?"

"Yes, Alex. What happened? Is everyone okay?"

"I'm afraid not..."

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