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As I was walking to lunch, my heart was pounding so hard. I could barely breathe. Did what just happen, really happen? Was Mr. Perez really checking me out and biting his lips at me? I don't know how to feel right now. I wanted to be happy, but it's wrong. Was He just being really nice or was I just another teachers charity case? But That tingle we both felt... I've never felt anything like it and I know for a fact that he felt the tingle also. I saw it in his eyes. As I was lost in thought, I didn't notice that Diggy was headed my way. He looked furious as he held an ice pack on his eye.

As he got closer and closer to me I began to shake in my boots. He approached me then slammed me against the lockers behind me. I slid down the lockers and hissed in pain because of the impact my back just encountered. He then stood over me with his fist balled up.

"So you think you Slick, huh!?" He yelled. "Embarrassing me in the class!" He slapped me with his free hand.

"Leave me alone Diggy!" I begged. He obviously ignored me because he began to continuously kick me in my stomach with great force. "I can't Breathe! Stop it!" I cried. After a few more kicks, punches and multiple name calling, he finally stopped.

I gasped for air as I coughed up specs of blood. I felt weak, useless, and broken.

"Fat worthless Bitch." Was the last thing I heard from Diggy as he walked away.

I laid on the cold floor getting woozy. I tried to stand up but a wave of air hit me an I just collapsed. It was no use in trying to get up, so I then just closed my eyes.


"Mr. Perez..." Ms. Ocampo, a fellow teacher, interrupted me while I was eating lunch. "Do you mind if I had lunch with you?" She asked in a flirty tone.

I figured she was attracted to me, but the feelings weren't neutral. I didn't want to be rude and say no, so I said "Sure."

Miss Ocampo is attractive. Meaning she can get a guy, just not every guy... Including me.

"So Mr Perez... How do you like it here so far?" She asked.

"These students are tough, but I'm tougher." I made her giggled. I found it so awkward. Her laugh was a bit wicked.

I was soon done with my lunch so I got up to throw it in the garbage. I felt her eyes on me as I walked over to the trash. I don't know any of the teachers in this school, so I don't know what they're capable of. Ms. Ocampo came up behind me and began massaging my shoulders.

"Umm Miss Ocampo-"

"You Feel so tense" She cut me off. She continued massaging me and I grew completely irritated and uncomfortable.

"Uh, Stop!" That didn't help, because she continued.

"What's so wrong with a little massage, Jacob?" She whispered in my ear.

Once her warm breath touched my ear, she began to lightly flick her tongue over my ear lobe. I grew really uncomfortable, so I had to think fast of a way to stop her. Then I came up with an Idea.

"I Have A Girlfriend!" I finally blurted out. She stopped then stared at me shocked. I can tell that there was a tad bit of hurt in her eyes.

"Oh... Ummm... I... Uhh... I'm sorry." She backed off of me. I was relieved.

She'd then rushed to get her stuff and walk out the room. She stopped at the door frame and gave me a sorry face.

"Mr. Perez, I'm sorry for... this." she apologized.

"Yeah, just don't let it happen again." I sternly said. I could tell she was disappointed, But I Honestly don't care at the moment. I just Wanted her away from me.

She walked out the room. And not even a few seconds later I heard screaming. I ran out the classroom and saw what the screaming was about. Miss Ocampo was pointing to Brittny on the ground unconscious.


I woke up in the nurses office with a really sharp pain in my stomach. I tried to sit up but the pain was holding me back. The nurse walked in with Mr. Perez. They were talking until the nurse noticed me awake.

"Looks like somebody is finally awake." The nurse said.

"What happened?" I said as I tried to lift up again, bit the pain pulled me back again.

"We really don't know, but we found you in the hallway unconscious."

Immediately, Diggy was the first thing that came to my mind. I don't know why he what does to hurt me so much. I Don't even Remember how the bullying started.

"Oh, Well can you tell me what time it is?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's almost 6:30." 6:30! My dads gonna slit my throat When I get home. I rushed of the bed then grabbed my Book bag. Regardless of how much pain I was already in, imagine the pain when my dad sees me walk in that door this late. I rushed past Mr. Perez and the nurse then I raced home.

I live Nearly an hour away from school, and I already missed my bus. Guess I gotta run. I was probably Half way out of the school doors then it started raining. I sighed at the outcome of my Day. Nothing went right, and I'm still going home with hurt. Just my luck. Best day ever, right?

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