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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing off. Today I didn't look forward to school at all. I was still shocked by Jacob. I was so caught off guard. The many times he told me he loved me, how could he threaten me? Tough love? I released a loud sigh then got out my bed and prepared myself for the day.

The beginning of my day began in First period science. Diggy and Roger sat in the seats behind me. I really hated 1st period Science because I sat in the square of the 3 most annoying girls in my class: Bahja, Breunna, & Zonnique. These girls definetly kept up with Jones'. Their style was great, but their hair looked like they stepped out a coloring book. Bahja's hair was dyed a light shade of hot pink, Breunna's was purple, and Zonnique's was blue.

Not only was the outstanding color of their hair crazy, but these girls had what I called "The weave of life." Their weave was at least 40 inches long, almost past their butts. Although they were an outstanding group of girls, their personalities were not so nice. The only one that I actually acknowledge is Breunna. Bahja reminded my a lot of Ray, goofy and moody. Zonnique was the sarcastic plain one. The only time she's smiles is when she's getting her picture taken. Breunna was the sweetheart. She was the only one that actually made me feel less excluded from the three.

Anyways, the three where sitting next to me in Science chatting a mile a minute.

"Diggy looking good today." Breunna whispered to Zonnique. I don't know why that made me feel a little jealous. We don't date.

"Bre, you've been crushing on that boy for the longest. Go talk to him!" Zonnique said. Breunna smiled, exposing her pretty dimples, got up and walked to the table behind us.

"Hey, Diggy." She flirted. Diggy had his headphones in his ears so he didn't look up from his work. "Diggy?" She was calling him. She couldn't get his attention at all until she snapped her fingers in his face. Diggy was caught off gaurd so he jumped a little bit.

"Oh shit- Oh hey, Bre!" he smiled. I could tell that Diggy mesmerized her. Her soft Alabama accent was a turn on to him obviously. "Can I tell you something?" She asked him as she leaned down on the edge of his desk. She was wearing a V-neck shirt so she was exposing whatever clevege she had.

"Tell me." Diggy curiously said.

She looked around and saw that there were a few eyes on them, including me, watching them talk. She then scooted closer to his face and whispered what she had to say in his ear. I felt really Jealous, a feeling that I've been coming to know very well lately. I just secretly listened and watched. Diggy's expression after she told him that, was blank. He glanced my way and our eyes met. I think he was liking that conversation we were having on the couch the other night, because his eyes looked sorry but his facial expressions were blank.

"I'll think about it.." He said as he gave Breunna a fake smile. She smiled then did a model walk back to her seat trying to turn him on. He didn't even glance.

"What he say?" Bahja willingly asked her.

"He said he'll think about it... Is that good?" She looked uneasy by his answer.

"It's good, just give him some time to think." Star replied. I had been listening to their conversations for the first few weeks of school, and all of them seemed meaningless, Except this one. That entire period, they talked about Diggy. I just don't know how I survived that long with that much jealousy running through my veins.

After class I was at my locker thinking of that Diggy conversation and Jacob. Jacob has been really acting.... Crazy. It scares me because I think I love him. I made love to him and he actually boost my confidence. I even showed him my scars, that's something I never showed anyone. How could he be so vile to me. He says he would never hurt me.... I'm starting to believe that that's Bullshit. He's just horrible at holding his anger and accepting the fact that what he does, I can do also.

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