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I realized what I said to Brittny, but I really didn't care. She's my girl and I don't think she should befriend other guys. I know I sound like a complete hypocrite, but that's how I feel about how our relationship should go. The rest of that elevator ride was heated. Neither of us made an effort to talk to one another. Soon the elevator came to a stop on her floor. She was about to walk out the elevator with out Saying anything, but I grabbed her gently by her arm.

"I'm sorry" I said to her. She replied back to me with a phoney smile, Then I let Go of her as the elevator door closed.

I somewhat meant it, but I hated seeing her upset. These past few weeks with her have been great. She is actually by far, the best I ever had. The sex is crazy good, and the feelings we share for each other is obviously noticeable. My feelings have gotten so strong for her that sometimes I just dont know how I can seperate my teacher status from my love status. I develope feelings quick, and they get the best of me, but how will I Be able to manage it around the other students?

Kids These days Are really nosey. And by me showing favoritism to Brittny in class, I know They're Gonna Be a little skeptic about it. As for me still having a dating life, that's just to keep Brittny off my mind. I'm slacking on some work because I think about her nearly 24/7. Having Mary around to distract me from her somewhat helps me focus on my Job.

Mary is nothing but boring, but hell, she's helping me out with this work.


I sat in my living room just thinking about Jacob being all demanding, yet he can do whatever the hell he wants while I just sit and wait until we're of age to actually go public with our relationship. Maybe He's Just using me For a quick nut, then he'll Go and have a relationship with Miss Ocampo? I don't know. Maybe I'm thinking Too drastic. Jacob wouldn't dare hurt me, But by the way He was acting in the elevator Made him seem a little too territorial of me. It was nice, but I shouldn't be the one on a leash while he does whatever with Miss Ocampo. Maybe this is just all bullshit. I knew we were going wrong when we started this little affair, but I'm too much of a dumb ass to actually understand guys.

I sometimes blame myself for being so antisocial and never getting around to actually talk to a guy, or people in general. I never had a true friend, and never had any good experiences with guys. That's why I don't get any of this shit Jacob is pulling. Then again, our age is the big result in all of this. I'm practically being raped by Jacob. Even though we've been super slick with all of this, you never know whose monitoring the many times I leave lunch to go 'Help Mr. Perez with attendance'. In a split second, he could be in jail and neither of us want that happening.

For a while I just sat in my living room with the TV off, staring into space. I was just thinking of all the worst scenarios. I couldn't seem to remove the thoughts from my head, so I finally turned on the TV. Even watching TV for almost half an hour didn't remove the negative thinking. Thank god the front door opened and my Mom came in with the basket of laundry.

"Thanks for leaving me down there with the laundry." She said in a sarcastic tone, but something told me that she was happy I left her. She had this odd glow on her face and she couldn't stop smiling to herself.

"What got you so lit up?" I asked her with an eyebrow raised and a smile on my face also.

"Well..." She bit at her bottom lip like she was aching to tell me. "Joey asked me out on a date!" She squealed.

I've Never seen my Mom smile so hard. She was acting so cute and perky. It's been a really long time since I lat seen my mom this cheesy. If Joey can simply make her do that, then he must be something great.

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