Part 6: I've Been Having Dreams...

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TW: angst, violence

Skip forward by 20 months.

20 months later

Scarlett jolted up suddenly from the bed in sweat.

She remembered the night, the night where Marinette almost had been killed.

By her.

She remembered how Marinette was unconscious and in a papyrus blanket and the pole holding it up rolling off to the other side of the room after hitting the agent's head and knocking her out.

She remembered the whole thing.

Adrien on the floor, unconscious. North being electrocuted was fainted and propped against the wall.

And Markus? He had fallen off the damn broken window and was on the windshield of his car. Connor, on the other hand, tried hard to make her regain her memories, which were manipulated by VILE, but it all was in vain. She had thrown him on the other side of the room.

Only John was able to trigger some of her memories.

She remembered how she screamed Marinette's full name (Marinette Connie Anderson) and got only silence as an answer.

'Why her? Just why?' She asked no one in particular.

She longed for her, holding her in her arms and calling her hers again.

She put her head in her hands and sighed sadly.

No one knew how she was doing, it was only true that she was as good as dead.

Maybe not.

She still held hope to see the woman again.

That she was alive.

'Myshka?' She heard her mother's voice.

'Oh, hello, mum.' She said, smiling. Or rather, grimacing.

Carmen then asked, 'Is something bothering you?'

'No, it's nothing.' Scarlett said.

'I'm convinced otherwise.' Carmen said, and seated herself down.

'What's wrong?' she asked.

'It's Mari.' Scarlett said.

'Mary?' Carmen asked.

'No, it's Marinette. M-A-R-I-N-E-T-T-E. Marinette Connie Anderson.' Scarlett clarified.

'Who is she?' 

'An ACME agent, just like mum. She is really beautiful.' 

'How does she look?'

'She has black hair, and blue eyes. A fair complexion, and lotus pink lips. She is kind, she's just like mum. She even has small freckles.' Scarlett said.

'So, why are you upset over her?' Carmen asked.

She looked away and said, 'I was manipulated-'

Carmen realized what had happened.


'I knocked her out.'

Scarlett then broke down.

'Why her? Why not me?! Why does it always have to be her?!' Scarlett shouted, angered.

'Now, now, Scarlett. Don't exaggerate the whole thing.' Carmen said and then engulfed her in a hug.

'I'll ask Player to find something on her.'

'No, don't bother, mum, I'm asking Peter.' 

'Marinette?' Hank asked.

Marinette took off her shoes and looked at the old man.

'Yes, dad?'

'You look taller than I last saw you.' the retired old lieutenant said and tried getting up. Marinette chuckled and said, 'I'm still the same, dad.'

'No, you aren't.'

'No, dad, sit. I'm coming.' Marinette said and finally dealt with the annoying ACME coat and put it on a coat peg.

She then went to the old man and hugged him.

'So, Connie, how was work?' the old man croaked.

'Oh, the same thing over and over.' Marinette said and then she said, 'I kind of miss Scarlett now.'

'Well, why don't you contact her?' he asked.

'No, I don't want to disturb her. She's probably sleeping right now and plus it's literally 2am in Argentina.' Marinette answered.

'Is it?'


Marinette then said, 'I'll prepare the dinner.' She got up and went to her room.

She flopped down on her bed and looked up at the ceiling.

'I've been having dreams...' She whispered, 'Jumping on a trampoline...'

She stayed quiet and let the song go through her head.

I've been having dreams...

Jumping on a trampoline...

Flipping in the air...

I never land, just float there...

As I'm looking up...

Suddenly the sky erupts...

Flames alight the trees...

Spread to falling leaves...

Now they're right upon me...

Wait, if I'm on fire...

How am I so deep in love...

When I dream of dying...

I've never been so loved...

I've been having dreams...

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