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August 2020

After spending a week here, I start to understand the routines of the people living with me.

Grace usually leaves at around eight in the morning every weekday. On the weekend, she sleeps in until even twelve. During the year, she's a teacher, but in summer she works as a waitress at Wildflower Cafe.

From my room, I can hear noises from Aaron's bedroom. That sounds bad. I can hear him moving around. It usually starts at nine, with his closet doors squealing like hell when he opens them. Why do I sound like a creep?

I've run into him once this week. He usually spends his time working out outside or studying in his room. It's August. It's beyond me why he studies so much now.

Nate instead is a lot more similar to me. We often wake up at the same time, having breakfast together in the kitchen while the rest of his family is out. One thing I found out about him is that his pancakes are good. I have to be honest, he surprised me with that.

Today's Friday. Grace is at work and Aaron is wherever.

Since it is not even ten, Nate is still asleep. I instead wake up pretty early and decide to spend some time in the massive backyard. I even put on a swimsuit in case I want to get into the pool. This time, not fully clothed and drunk.

I have my earphones in, listening to some music while tanning on the towel I laid down on the lounge chair near the pool.

At some point, a shadow is cast over my head. I grimace, sliding my sunglasses on my head. I open my eyes and find a face smiling at me with eyes as blue as lapis lazuli stones. "Hello, Nate," I greet him, taking off my earphones.

"Hey," he replies, bracing his forearms on the edge of my chair. "Enjoying the sun?"

I nod, sitting up to see him better. I've never felt this vulnerable with a guy. I'm basically naked. "You just woke up?" I ask, trying not to think about my almost nakedness.

He shakes his head, and I can see he's trying awfully hard not to look at my boobs. He's failing. "Uh, I... No. I mean, kinda. Like, I woke up fifteen minutes ago, I guess. Mind if I join you?" he blurted out, stumbling on his words. I struggle not to laugh at his clumsiness.

"Sure," I tell him.

He grips the hem of his shirt. It takes me a second to realize that he's removing it. Well, duh. He's not going to stay by the pool fully clothed. Who am I to complain?

Still, I quickly look away, feeling my cheeks burn up. Unexpectedly, he sits down on my chair, forcing me to scoot and give him some room. "I suppose you didn't see the other three loungers by the pool,"
I joke, shifting my body so I'm more comfortable, even though I'm flushed against his body.

Nate chuckles, interlocking his hands on top of his belly and closing his eyes to enjoy the morning warmth. "I did. I just like this one better."

"Yeah? What does this have that the others don't."

"You." He turns his head and winks at me.

I laugh, putting my sunglasses back on. "Smooth."

We stay like that for a while, until the sun turns too hot and I start sweating like hell. Sighing, I get up from the chair, leaving my glasses on my spot and undoing my braid. I drive a hand through my thick strands of hair as I walk to the pool stairs. Thankfully, it's not the kind of pool with a ladder. I hate those pools. The ladders are always so slippery.

I only manage to dip my toe before I feel Nate approach. He stands next to me, arms crossed in front of his chest, head turned to me. I kind of wish I had a towel or something to cover myself up. It's not that he makes me uncomfortable... I'm just not used to male eyes on me. It happened once, and that was enough.

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