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November 2020

I'm sitting in the kitchen with Aaron, Nate, Logan, and Caleb. Grace is in the living room on the phone with the school principal.

As soon as we got home after school, Grace was waiting for us on the doorstep, arms folded and a disappointed grimace on her face. It was mostly directed toward Aaron.

After a while, Grace appears in the kitchen, scowling. "Logan, Caleb, you should go home. You two," she points at Nate and me, "can go. Aaron, you're coming with me." I watch him get to his feet with a sigh, following Grace into her room to get some privacy.

I turn to my friends. "What do you think will happen?"

"Last time, he got suspended for a couple of days," Logan replies, shrugging a shoulder.

I frown. "Last time? You mean this has happened before?" I ask, surprised.

Nate scoffs. "A bunch of times, yeah."

"Four, maybe five times?" Caleb adds. "I still don't know why he hasn't been expelled."

"Why do you think?" Nate teases. "Everyone pitied the poor kid who lost his sister. They all act like he's just fucking acting up or something."

"Nate," I warn him.

"I know, I know. Not cool. Whatever. He sent Parker to the hospital, Liz. I wouldn't be surprised if his family asked to stand trial or something. And honestly, they have every right to do that," he comments, crossing his arms.

"Look, Aaron is my best friend," Logan begins, and I know those words hurt him more than we realize, "But he's your friend too. We gotta understand him, okay? And we all heard what shit Parker was saying."

"I didn't," I point out. "But I do agree that we have to be near him. He clearly needs us."

Nate stands up. "You guys do whatever the fuck you think is right. I won't help a psychopath live a better life just because he went through some shit years ago. He needs to pull his shit together."

"Nate. Nate!" I call him, but he's already outside the kitchen on his way towards the door. I exhale a tired breath.

"I'll talk to him," Caleb tells me. "Nate... He's not a bad person, Lizzie. He really isn't. It's just that he can't get along with Aaron."

"But why?" I ask, mortified.

Caleb shakes his head. "He just can't."

He's the next to leave, but before Logan can go back to his house too, I stop him. "Logan, wait."

He stops in the doorway, looking at me with a knowing look. "Lizzie, I really don't want to talk about it."

"I just wanted to apologize."

He gives me a sad smile. "For what? It's not your fault he fell in love with you."

"I... Still, I'm sorry. I don't want to get between you two. What you two have is unique and beautiful. I don't want you to lose it because of me."

Logan sighs deeply and pulls me in for a tight hug. "Ahh, my little American girl. Don't worry, I'm not leaving Aaron forever. It's just... For a little while, okay? I just need some time to move on, and then I'll be back."

"Okay," I mutter on his chest. "Thank you. I needed this hug."

"Of course." He pulls back, looking at me with a smile. "I'll see you soon, okay?"

I instantly furrow my brows, confused. "Wait, you're actually leaving? Like, physically going somewhere else?"

Logan shrugs. "Yeah. I'm gonna stay with my grandma for a few weeks. Don't worry, I'll be back before you can even realize it."

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