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tw: panic attack

October 2020

"Hello? Lizzie? You still here? Nope. We've lost her." A familiar voice reaches my ears and drags me out of my thoughts. Cameron and Davina are sitting across from me at the table during lunch break. They've been talking for a long, long time, but I have no idea what they said.

I blink a few times, focusing back my eyes after zoning out. "Yeah? What's up?"

Cameron sighs, while Davina rolls her eyes. "Jeez. What's going on inside that American brain of yours? Worried that Trump might win again?" the blonde asks, giggling.

Davina crosses her arms, brushing her elbow against Cameron's. "Let's hope not."

I wave it off with a chuckle. "It's nothing. What were you two talking about?" I try to change the subject, since the thoughts I was having were about a bathroom, a guy, and lots and lots of feelings... Pleasure, mostly. And that shower... Thank God we took it, I can't believe how much I've been missing out on sex—

"She's gone again."

I glare at Cameron. "I'm here, I'm here. Just tell me what you were talking about."

Davina shrugs. "At first, the group project for Mr. Holloway—"

"You mean Mr. ComeMyWay," Cameron cuts in with a grin.

"—and then about the Halloween party this Saturday," Davina finishes, ignoring Cam's comment.

My eyebrows rise a little on my forehead. "That sounds fun. Where?" I ask, interested.

"My place," Cameron replies, winking. "Dad and Mom are away for the weekend, so..."

I smile. "Oh, yeah, baby. Will there be alcohol?"

Cam's grin matches mine. "Damn right."

Oooh, yeah.


After school, I finally sign up for a school team, choosing the snowboarding one. Sure, as a girl from California I hardly ever see snow, so I've never actually gone snowboarding, but I'm a fast learner, and they said that even newbies are welcome. So, here I am, signing up for what is probably going to be my end.

As I exit the building, I notice a tall figure leaning against a bike, a helmet under his arm, and a cigarette between his lips. Aaron lifts a hand and wriggles his fingers at me in a mocking wave.

I roll my eyes but smile. I pick up my pace, walking towards him with a smirk. "What's up, gorgeous?" I approach him, fixing my backpack on one shoulder.

Aaron's face seems to light up when a smile shapes his mouth. "Missed me, Heart?" he asks sarcastically, taking the burning cigarette with his forefinger and the middle one.

I scoff. "Oh, you have no idea. What're you doing here?" I ask him, taking the butt from his fingers and inhaling a puff of smoke.

"I signed up for the snowboarding team like every year. You?"

I smile, giving him his cigarette back. "Me too."

Aaron tilts his head a little. "How much do you know about snowboarding?"

"Uhm... Not much?"

He chuckles. "We'll teach you then. Come on, climb up." He nods his head towards the bike, handing me the helmet he had in his hands.

I grimace, shaking my head. "No, thanks. I choose life."

Aaron rolls his eyes, sighing. "I won't let you walk home, so unless you wanna ride with Nate, you—" I quickly put the helmet on. "That's what I thought."

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