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December 2020

Aaron couldn't tell me the whole story all at once. It took a lot of time and cuddles to get everything out.

He would speak for about twenty minutes every day before realizing he couldn't keep going anymore and needed a break. It took him about four days to tell me what happened that Halloween night, and he managed to say his sister's name only on the last day. When the name touched his lips, he broke down in my arms and wept on my chest. My heart ached when it happened.

I repeated to him that it was okay, but my words
were meaningless. He cried for longer than I thought possible.

For those few days, I slept in his room. Nothing happened. We just held each other and slept. When he finally got to the end of the story, I thanked him for trusting me with it. With his heart.

Today's the first day of December, and the air is particularly cold. Neither of us wants to get out of bed, but it's Tuesday and we have to go to school. Well, I do. Aaron is suspended. But he's driving me.

I gently stroke Aaron's curls, slowly waking him up. I smile as he mumbles something, snuggling more comfortably on my chest.

"Hello, there, gorgeous," I say, keeping my voice to a little more than a whisper. "We have to get up, you know?"

"Hmm," he mutters, still half asleep.

"Aaron... Wake up," I tell him, chuckling.

"Hmm, no."

I roll my eyes and start moving to slip out of his grasp. He tightens his grip on me and keeps me pinned to the mattress. I laugh. "We're gonna be late."

"This is me if I gave a shit." He looks up at me and exaggerates a gasp. "Oh, no! We're gonna be late! That is absolutely dreadful!" he jokes, putting a hand on his mouth.

I roll my eyes at him but smile. "You're an ass. If you don't wanna go, fine, but I'm going."

He hums, rising on his elbows. "Why do you wanna go to school so bad?" he asks, moving some hair from my face.

I raise a brow. "Because it's important."

"Please tell me it's not because you think that Henry is good-looking," he complains, making an annoyed face. I laugh again and shrug. "Not you too."

Aaron rolls away and lies on his back, freeing me. "Finally, freedom," I joke, sitting up.

"Ah, that's how you feel about waking up with a pretty face like mine? How rude." I roll my eyes at him again. "That's starting to annoy me."


"Your attitude, sweetheart."

"Aw. Mad?"

"Come here and find out."

I smile and lean over to give him a quick kiss. I should've known better, though, because with Aaron quick kisses don't exist.

He takes a hold of me and makes me straddle him. His hands stay on my hips, while his green irises stare up at me with a smirk. He stares at me for a few seconds, saying nothing.

I lock my hands behind his neck and tilt my head. "What?" I ask him, curious.

He shakes his head a little. "I just really love you. It feels weird.

"Weird good or weird bad?"

"Weird amazing."

I smile, giving his lips a quick peck. "Good." I kiss him again. "We have to go."

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