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October 2020

It's lunchtime and I'm sitting at a table in the school's cafeteria with Davina and Cameron. Next week is the 31st, which means that it's finally Halloween. Luckily for us, it'll be on a Saturday.

My two friends sitting in front of me are speaking about giving a party, and I couldn't be more excited. Cameron says, "We could call strippers!" I can't hold back a laugh.

Frowning, Davina asks, "Male ones?"

Cameron turns her attention to her, playing with one of Davina's braids. "Duh," she replies like it was obvious.

Davina cringes. "Yikes. They're gross."

"Yeah. All those abs and biceps and gorgeous bodies. So gross," Cameron jokes, sarcastically.

I dart my eyes from one friend to the other, laughing at their starting context. "We could call both male and female strippers, what do you think?" I propose, still giggling.

Both girls sigh but agree with a muttered, "Fine."

As we keep eating and talking about the party, I realize someone clumsily sliding on the bench next to me and draping a heavy arm over my shoulders, shaking me a little. "What's up, American girl," Logan exclaims cheerfully, then says to my friends, "Hi, girls."

I roll my eyes but smile. "Hey, Logan. Where's your other half?" I ask him, lifting my bottle of water and bringing it to my mouth. Someone snatches it from my hands.

"Right here," a deep voice says from beside me. "Hello, sweetheart."

I glare up at Aaron as he takes a sip of my water. Cameron squeals, shaking Davina's shoulder. "Aww! He calls her sweetheart! That's so freaking adorable!" she says, her voice so high I'm pretty sure only dogs can hear those ultrasounds.

Logan's arm slides off me, stealing a French fry from my plate. "Can you guys stop stealing my lunch, please?" I mumble, protecting my fries.

"Sure," Logan answers, taking another fry.

"What are you doing here, cutie boy and asshole?" I ask the two boys now sitting at my sides, eating my food.

Aaron frowns. "Hey, why do I get asshole and he gets cutie boy?" he asks, tilting his head.

"Because he's prettier than you," I reply with a mocking smirk, and Logan's oooh only makes Aaron more annoyed.

"He wishes," he mutters, scoffing.

Davina cuts in, "Well, what do you two dick-owners want?" Her tone isn't necessarily irritated. It's actually how she always sounds. After a while, you don't even notice it anymore.

Cameron, however, is always trying to make her a little less harsh. "Don't be rude, D. Excuse her. Do you guys need something?" she asks kindly.

"Mr. Darcy here has a question for his Elizabeth," Logan answers.

I roll my eyes, and I have a feeling Aaron just did the same. Aaron says, "Mr. Holloway told me to ask you if you wanna join the school snowboarding team."

My face lights up as I turn my attention to his handsome face. "I'd love that. But... I don't really have experience..." I admit, pursing my lips.

"Many on the team are new to the sport. You'll manage."

I hesitate. "And who's on the team?" I dare ask.

His lips curl into a smirk. "Many people."

Logan mocks a whisper, "He's on the team."

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