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December 2020

It's been about a week since we've come back from the mountains. Aaron is no longer suspended, and I'm glad he's finally going to be in class with me again.

With the many things happening lately, both Aaron and I had forgotten that he was still grounded for what he did to Parker about a month ago.

When that happened I didn't even know Aaron's story. And now I know so much about him. In fact, I feel like I've known him all my life, when in reality I dated him for maybe two months, at most.

I mean, I've been here in Fernie for only four months, and yet it's like four years have passed. But, although time seems to be passing slowly, I sometimes feel like with a blink I've skipped decades of my life and have missed so much. Odd thing, time.

Anyway, I'm glad Parker didn't press charges. I don't know why that is — maybe Henry was convincing enough when he went to the hospital and spoke with him — but I'm grateful nevertheless. He could've fucked up Aaron's life, but chose not to.

Today is Sunday, which means that tomorrow it's Aaron's first day back after his two-week suspension. He has some math homework to catch up with, and I have some English notes to check, so we sit together at his desk and study together.

"Do you know what was the paraphrase of this word? I didn't write it," I ask him, showing him a verse from a poem we studied at the beginning of the year.

Aaron leans in and looks at it. "Hold on. Let me check my notes," he replies, grabbing his notebook and opening it. I smile when I see the sketches I found months ago.

"Last time I saw this notebook I was going through your stuff while I waited for you to get out of the shower," I comment, remembering. "It was still summer, I think."

He hums. "Yeah?"

"Yep. It's when you teased me in the pool, remember?" I continue, looking at the page he's on, comparing it to my notes.

Aaron leans back and watches me with his arms crossed. "That all you remember from that day?" he asks.

I shrug. "Yeah. Why?"

He looks down and grins, poking his tongue in his cheek. "That's the first time you slept with Nate. Same day," he tells me, and I feel my face turn red. "Don't worry. It's good that you don't remember. It just proves my point even more."

I arch a brow. "What point?"

"That he sucks in bed."

I laugh. "Maybe we should ask Cameron that."

"Oh. That's low. I like it." He leans in and gives my lips a peck. "Have you found the word?" he asks, still near my mouth.

I shake my head. "No. Your notes suck."

He rolls his eyes. "At least I take them. Look at yours. You've barely written anything."

I wave him off. "Whatever. Did you solve the fifth equation?"

He checks. "Yeah."

I raise my brows. "Really?"

"Yeah, why? It was an easy one," he notes.

"Easy? It took us and the teacher a whole hour to solve it," I tell him, surprised. "How long did it take you?"

Aaron shrugs again. "I don't know. Ten minutes? It was a bit harder than the others, but nothing tragic."

"Wow." I stare at him. "My man is a genius."

He smiles. "Your man, huh?"

I roll my eyes. "Shut up, Einstein."

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