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September 2020

The first week of school goes smoothly. Luckily enough, most of my classes are with Cameron and Davina. Nate and I only share History and Chemistry, but we always have lunch together at the same table as our friends.

I do however share four classes with Aaron: History — of course — Maths, Physics, and English. The asshole is a genius, so he always solves the equations and problems with no difficulty whatsoever. And, from what I've seen so far, he's also a fan of English literature, which I personally love.

Thank God we are not sitting next to each other, or else one of us wouldn't get to the end of the year alive. Probably him. I can't even stand being in the same room as him for more than sixty minutes.

Today I signed up for the snowboard team. I found out that Davina wanted to join it too, so that means I won't be alone with Aaron and I don't know how many strangers in the mountains.

As I'm walking out of school with Davina and Cameron, I exhale, "I love Fridays so much."

"Yep. Best day of the week," Cam replies, fixing her bag on her shoulder. Even though the sun still shines in the sky, the air is a bit chilly, so I slip on a sweater. "Are you guys hungry? I'm starving."

Davina nods. "Fuck yeah. My stomach is about to shrink like shit."

"Such a pretty mouth, D," Cameron comments sarcastically.

"Always, Barbie." She swings her arm around Cameron's shoulders and shakes her a bit, ruffling her hair.

I laugh at Cam's scowl, but my laughter dies when my eyes catch a glance of Aaron and a redhead speaking. She's obviously flirting with him, but his face is expressionless. Or maybe he's just annoyed. As usual.

The girl is saying something to him, biting her bottom lip seductively. Aaron briefly looks at her, taking a puff from his cigarette.

A snort comes from beside me. "He should seriously keep his ego under control. He looks at her like she's garbage," Davina comments, staring in the same direction as me.

I shrug. "It looks to me like he's not even acknowledging her, to be honest. Not surprising," I respond.

"He's so hot," Cameron sighs. "I still don't understand why you chose Nate over him."

Turning to her, I roll my eyes. "I already told you, Cam. Aaron is a dick. I'm sure sex with him once isn't worth losing Nate," I tell her for the millionth time.

Cam laughs so loudly even Aaron glances at us for a second. "Trust me, it is. Nate is a great friend of mine, but no one will ever top Aaron's di—" Davina slams her hand on her friend's mouth.

"Cameron, seriously, shut the fuck up. Respectfully."

I giggle. "Come on, let's go. I'll drive you home."

As we're walking towards my car — not my my, but you get the point — Aaron follows us with his eyes. He grins, and I wish he was closer so I could kick his face.


I'm on my bed watching yet another episode of Supernatural when someone knocks on my door. I stop the episode — taking a second glance at Dean Winchester's face on my screen — and say, "Come in!"

The door creaks open as a blond head peeks in. "Hey, Liz," Nate smiles, walking in and closing the door behind him.

I smile back at him, moving my laptop off my legs. "Hey, what's up?"

He walks up to me and sits next to me on the mattress, draping his arm around my shoulders. "I was bored. I came to annoy you a little," he jokes, making me chuckle. I lay my head on his shoulder. "What are you watching?" he asks, jerking his chin towards my laptop.

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