✧1. The First Day✧

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Author's P.O.V:-


Myeongdong street...

9:45 Am...

>>>Aish, Jinja!! I am stuck here in this busy street while I have only 15 min to reach the company...

>>>Shit, What should I do now?

>>>This is my first day in the company. What if the boss fires me even before I start working?

Hoseok let out a long sigh as he was now stuck in the busiest street of South Korea but had to reach his office in fifteen minutes.

>>This is all that Jimin's fault. If he didn't drag me yesterday to the pub and made me drink till I passed out, I wouldn't have woken up late.

>>>He assured me that he will drop me off in his car, he dressed up for an hour but then vanished saying that it was urgent...

>>>Ugh! I am gonna smack the shit out of him after I get off from the work.

Hoseok was frustrated. He was waiting for the red signal to turn green.

With an irritated mood, Hoseok started his two-wheeler when the traffic signal turned green. He was about to take a turn but his two-wheeler got crashed by a car and he fell on the road from the bike.

Hoseok's irritation reached its peak, dusting himself he got up slowly to see the seven hundred million won red colored Lamborghini Veneno that crashed with his 700 won two-wheeler.

"Aishh, Yahhhh! Get the hell out!! Can't you see the road?" Hoseok yelled knocking the glass of the car.

A man who was sitting on the passenger's seat looked angry hearing that, while the man in the driver's seat quickly checked on his boss and told him,

"Boss, I will take care of it, you please sit inside."

The boss didn't respond so taking that as a yes, the man from the driver's seat got out.

"You! Don't you have eyes? Where do you think you're going? Do you think it's your father's road or something?" Hoseok shouted at the man.

Before the man could reply,

"Hyung-Won!" The boss called the man and he immediately went to him.

He slightly downed the glass and looked at Hyung-Won, "It's not us but him that is in the wrong, do you understand?"

Hyung-Won immediately nodded understanding what his boss meant,

>>>Mr. you are gone case now.

Shrugging, Hyung-Won went to Hoseok and spoke shamelessly, "It's not our fault."

"Then whose, mine? Are you blind or what? Can't you see, it's clear who's in the wrong here? Even a primary school student can tell whose fault is this," Hoseok yelled again.

Hearing the commotion, a group of crowd surround to see what was happening, so, it got the attention of a police officer nearby.

"What's all this ruckus?" The policeman inquired.

"Great timing! Sir, see this man's guts he is the one who is at the fault but he dares to say I am the one in the wrong, please do justice," Hoseok requested.

The policeman was about to scold the other party but he stopped when he saw the car.

"Sir, please come with me for a minute," Hyung-Won asked politely.

"UGH!!!" ♡A SOPE ANGST♡✔️Where stories live. Discover now