✧3. Seven Years Back✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

At Min Enterprises...

"Now, stop bawling your eyes out and start working, if you don't want me to cut your salary this month, secretary Hoseok," Yoongi threatened with a smile and sat on his chair, opened a file, and started reading it.

>>>I can't let that happen...all the hospital bills are due for three months, I have to pay them this month, or else they'll stop the treatment for Appa.

>>>Get a hold of yourself, Hobie. No matter how cruel Yoongi is, he is still paying the most generous amount anyone could ask for...

>>>Let's work hard without getting on his nerves, he will soon forgive me...maybe,

Hoseok immediately wiped off his tears and stood up with a small hope in his heart. It became his habit to search for a little ray of light even in his disastrous pitch-black life.

"What are you looking at? Go to your desk outside and start working," Yoongi's voice boomed through the room.

Hoseok bowed and turned to leave when,

"Stop, after work, wait at the parking lot for me. I will take you home." The elder added.

"No need, sir. I can go by train," Hoseok replied.

Yoongi shut his file loudly making the younger flinch at that, "I didn't ask you. I am ordering you and also we are just going there to bring your things, if you don't want that, I will take you to my mansion straight away."

"My things...? Your mansion?" Hoseok looked, befuddled.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, annoyed. "Didn't you read this contract? It says you should stay by my side 24 hours and do all the housework. Don't you have a brain to understand that?"

Hoseok blinked his eyes and then got it, "I have to live with you? In your mansion?" His eyes widened.

"Hm," Yoongi replied short.

"No!" Hoseok rejected it immediately.

"Alright," Yoongi smirked and Hoseok breathed a sigh of relief.

"Pay the 1 billion won and you can stay at your home as you wish," He smirked more.

Hoseok got anxious, "I-I will...wait for you at the parking lot, sir."

"That's good. You are a fast learner. I wish to never hear a 'No' from your mouth again. If I hear it, I won't be so lenient like now." He warned.

Hoseok gulped his saliva down and nodded. He bowed again and left the room, trembling.

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows,

>>>Why is behaving so timid and obedient?

>>>I just heard that his family went bankrupt and he is trying to find a job as soon as I got here from Cambridge.

>>>So I interfered and made him come to my company to teach him a lesson for what he did to me back then, but he...

>>>Ugh! What am I even thinking? It's Hoseok, The Jung Hoseok, Yoongi. He will never change even if the earth turns upside down.

>>>Don't you remember the first day...it was supposed to be a memorable day for me...it became memorable but in the worst way.


Seven years back...2015,

At Min's Mansion, Seoul...

"You turned 22 this year, son. And you have finished all your studies. Now is the time for you to prove your worth." Min Jae-Hyun, Yoongi's father stated.

"UGH!!!" ♡A SOPE ANGST♡✔️Where stories live. Discover now