✧13. Falling For Each Other✧

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Author's P.O.V.:-

All the employees saw the video and the whole company was in an uproar. They knew that their Boss was gay. He never kept it secret from them and even was involved in some scandals with male celebrities.

But they were all just flings. Their Boss was never in a serious relationship so they thought Hoseok was also one of his many flings and would be thrown away soon as he was not even qualified to work in their company.

With that, the employees decided to distance themselves from Hoseok as he was not worth their time and he would leave the company shortly anyway.

Even though Hoseok was getting weird stares from all the employees as they were whispering among themselves behind him and mocking him for acting like a sincere secretary when he was just a fuck boy of their Boss as they presumed.

Hoseok didn't know the reason for their strange stares and what he did to get them. He tried to ignore everyone and did his work silently even though he was anxious about it.

It was late in the evening, all the employees left work and it was only himself and Yoongi who was working on some important meeting for tomorrow.

Even Hyungwon left after begging his Boss that he would work from home as his wifey was waiting for him and would wreak havoc if he doesn't go home early.

Yoongi turned off his system and looked at the clock, it was ten O' clock and they didn't have their dinner yet. He got up from his seat and wore his suit.

He strode out of his room and stood in front of Hoseok who was still looking through the documents and correcting the errors.

No one would believe that Hoseok was a dropout if they didn't know his background cause he was super efficient at work and knew what he was doing.

He was smart and that was a quality that Yoongi noticed just on the first day of the Younger's work cause even though that day he was threatened and was made to sign the slave contract it didn't have any effect on his work.

He familiarized himself with everything and it didn't even take him a day to adjust himself with the work he was assigned. And Yoongi loved this character of Hoseok even though he would deny it if he was asked directly.

"Ahem...finish it up. Let's go home," Yoongi knocked on the table to gain his attention.

Hoseok immediately stood up seeing him, "Y-Yes sir..."

Every time he heard Yoongi saying 'Let's go home' he felt the warmness in his heart cause it was like they were a coupl-

>>>Aish! Shut your damn brain that's thinking nonsense Hobie!

>>>Ahhh... it's all because of those kisses...

Hoseok was so embarrassed to face the elder cause whenever he would see his face he was reminded of the hot make-out sessions. It was all new for him cause after he came from the hospital his Boss was being so gentle with him.

He neither scolded him nor hit him. He let him sleep in his arms as he was worried that if he slept alone he would get nightmares.

And then the kisses...each time it was taking Hoseok's breath away and making him feel many things in his heart that he doesn't want to feel.

Those kisses were not forced on him even if he was being kissed in return for his wish to visit his father, he was not feeling unwilling to be kissed by Yoongi.

Even now he was feeling butterflies in his gut with the anticipation of the night kiss they were going to share before going to bed.

>>>Would it be rough...like last night? Or gentle as today...?

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