✧16. Planning to Confess✧

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[A/N: Hey, Purples💜! Long time no see, right? As today is our Taehyung's birthday here I am with sextuple updates🥳! Hope you all enjoy the chaps💞!!!

And Purples, Happy TaeTae Day🥳🥳🥳💜💜💜💜! Even though we are celebrating it without him this time... let's hope that he is having a blast in special force and is staying healthy! Many many more happy returns to our Winterbear Taehyung-shi💜💞!]

Author's P.O.V.:-

In Taehyung's Mansion...

After the basement incident, Taehyung had been taking good care of Jin because he didn't have the heart to torture someone when he was a doctor who had the duty to save people.

Kim Taehyung was a man of few words so he didn't speak much after he sincerely apologized for his mistake of forgetting about Jin that day.

After that, Taehyung never lost his temper again and looked after Jin who became well soon and that traumatic incident was replaced by the caring actions of his husband.

So, Jin decided to give their relationship another chance. For him to ask his husband about continuing his studies Jin had to first do something to impress Taehyung and then ask for the favor.

He decided that he would start learning cooking from the worker Ajhumma as the saying went, 'Fastest way to a man's heart was through his stomach'.

In a week by his persistence and hard work he managed to learn cooking decently and was waiting for a chance to show off his culinary skills to his husband.

But he didn't expect that his mother-in-law would visit their mansion so abruptly without announcing.

Mrs. Kim was a warm and gentle woman. She wanted to see her son's husband as soon as she got back from her business trip.

She wasn't there when they both went to the marriage bureau and signed the documents.

No one attended it except Jin who had no clue what was happening at that time and Taehyung who left right after signing the papers as if he was in a hurry not even taking a glance at his newlywed groom.

Taehyung's schedule that day was hectic he didn't have time as the surgeries were lined up that day one after the other. Still, he squeezed in a little bit of time and went to the marriage bureau to sign those documents.

Mr. Kim was against it from the start so he didn't attend it as to him it was just a blackmail, not a marriage.

While Jin's father who was the main orchestrator of the marriage was busy counting the money that had been transferred by Mr. Kim and didn't have the time to attend it.

So only Jin was left by the time everything was processed and got their marriage certificates. Then he was immediately escorted by Taehyung's driver to their mansion and that was it.

Mrs. Kim had no clue until yesterday when she came back and Mr. Kim told her about their son's marriage as if it was just a light matter.

She was shocked and then got angry. But still, she wanted to see for herself the person who blackmailed her husband to marry her son and make her judgment of him before forming any conclusions.

That was how Mrs. Kim ended up sitting on the sofa in the mansion while Jin was nervously standing beside her not knowing how to start the conversation.

He only knew that Mrs. Kim his mother-in-law arrived at the mansion after hearing from the worker Ajhumma while he was trying out a new eggplant dish and was startled that he came running out to the hall wearing the cute pink apron that had chibi alpaca's printed on it.

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