✧21. Planning Babies and Wedding✧

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Taehyung regretted it the most. He sat beside Jin the whole night holding his hand, reading the letter again and again, he didn't sleep a wink.

But before Jin woke up Taehyung had to rush to the hospital due to an emergency.

Even though he was awake all night he performed the surgery successfully and came outside the operation theatre only to get a call from his mother informing him that Jin was nowhere to be seen.

He rushed home but he didn't know where Jin could go, he had no clue about his husband's friends, and thinking for a second time he knew nothing about his husband other than his food choices which he got to know on their date.

He went insane and that's when he remembered there was a CCTV camera in front of their mansion and looked into it.

After seeing Jin getting into a cab he called the cab services head department to know about the details where the driver dropped Jin.

It wasn't easy. Taehyung had to beg them and bribe them with money only then did he get to know that Jin went to the railway station.

He drove there breaking all the signals and ran through all the platforms like a madman searching for Jin.

Taehyung thought he would die if he lost Jin at that time. The intense pain he felt that time thinking about not seeing his husband anymore made him go crazy.

So, without delaying anymore he wanted to confess his feelings to Jin and if he didn't want to be with him anymore he intended to even beg him until he agreed.

"I love you, Jin. I love you so much that I think I am going crazy just hearing the word divorce from you," Taehyung cried.

That was when Jin saw the genuine look on his exhausted tear strained face that was swelling up due to the slaps before.

Jin started crying loudly as he hugged him, "I too love you...*hic* I love you more *hic*...you have no idea..."

They cried hugging each other for a long time. Later they were lying on the bed snuggling each other when,

"My Jinnie, you watch dramas don't you?" Taehyung asked suddenly as he played with Jin's hair.

"Yes, I do watch but why are you asking that now? And who is your Jinnie? Stop calling me that I am still mad at you, humph!" Jin was embarrassed.

"Hm, that's why..." Taehyung was nodding his head like he understood something.

"What that's why?" Jin frowned.

"That's why you ran away from home. Just like in dramas you wanted to leave and I had to search for you madly. Then after years, you will be found with a baby of mine and I had to pursue you again with the help of our baby. Isn't it? But I was fast enough to catch you before you left.

...listen my Jinnie. I don't want to waste that many years searching for you so just stay here, I will make up for everything I have done wrong and we can have that baby together, okay? You don't even know how hard it is for a pregnant man to live alone and take care of everything.

...You will experience so many mood swings and crave to eat something so bizarre. Then do you even how painful it is during labour? It is such a cruel thing to have to go through that all alone. I don't want you to experience all those bitter things. It will break my heart.

...So, don't go anywhere and stay with me. Your hubby is a doctor and I know how to handle all such situations. I will cook all the nutritious and yummy things for you when you are pregnant and our baby will be born healthily."

Taehyung nuzzled Jin's nose.

"What baby? Are you nuts? We didn't even do it!" Jin shouted getting more embarrassed listening to his husband's random absurd thoughts.

"UGH!!!" ♡A SOPE ANGST♡✔️Where stories live. Discover now