✧19. The Cemetery & Last Words✧

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A few more tears escaped through his wet eyes again as he squeezed Hoseok's palm. Yoongi was sitting there crying from last night without moving.

"I am sorry...sorry Hobie...so please wake up...I..."

As some drops of his saltwater fell on the wrist of Hoseok, he showed a movement in his hand and started opening his eyes slightly.

Yoongi's eyes widened seeing him wake up. He harshly rubbed his tears and pressed the button to call the doctor.

"Hobie..." Yoongi called, his voice dry.

Hoseok adjusted his eyes to the brightness in the room as he glanced at the elder who was looking haggard with swollen red puffy eyes.

"S-Sir..." Hoseok frowned seeing him in such a state.

Jong-Suk entered the room and saw them both.

"Hobie is the patient so why are you looking like one, Yoongi-shi?"

He tried to brighten the mood as he checked upon Hoseok.

Yoongi pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Everything is fine. You can go home, but remember not to be stressed and take plenty of rest, okay Hobie?"

Hoseok nodded his head but his eyes were lingering on Yoongi's face.

Seeing that the both of them weren't going to talk with him Jong-Suk left the room to give them some privacy.

As soon as the door closed Yoongi immediately hugged Hoseok with tears in his eyes.

"I am sorry...I am sorry for saying such awful things to you ...Hobie...I am really sorry. I didn't mean to...I took out my anger on someone else on you last night...I am sorry..."

He apologized and Hoseok was in shock seeing his boss like that. In trance, he patted Yoongi's back.

After an hour Hoseok was feeling much better and Yoongi took care of everything related to discharge.

They were now in the car and the two of them had so many thoughts wandering bizarrely through their minds but they kept quiet.

Hoseok noticed it wasn't the way to either their company or the mansion yet he stayed silent looking outside the window.

He didn't understand why Yoongi cried like that when he woke up... and apologized for his last night's behavior. Then does that mean his boss was feeling guilty for turning him down so cruelly?

So...what is their relationship status now? Was Yoongi accepting his feelings and willing to give him a chance or...

Hoseok sighed not wanting to build up expectations again only to be yeeted down to the ground. The car stopped.

They both got out of the car and Yoongi took Hoseok's hand as he guided him inside the Seoul Memorial Park.

It was a park with a cemetery on the left side and a columbarium on the right side.

Hoseok was baffled as to why Yoongi brought him there.

Yoongi purchased a bouquet of white lilies from Ajhumma there. He intertwined their fingers and dragged Hoseok towards the cemetery first.

There he stopped at a particular grave which was at a different height from the other graves and one could see the scenery of Seoul from there.

Yoongi put the flowers on the gravestone and prayed. Noticing the nameplate on the grave Hoseok kneeled in front of the grave and started praying.

It was the grave of Yoongi's mother, Mrs. Min.

"I... never hated you for bullying me," Yoongi spoke.

"UGH!!!" ♡A SOPE ANGST♡✔️Where stories live. Discover now