Chapter 5: Denial

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New Orleans, July 27, 21:57CDT No One's Pov

An old man strode through the busy streets listening to jazz music play. Looking in the shop windows, he stopped at one where a sign for a psychic stood in the illuminated window.

He reached into his pocket, pulling out an old gold pocket watch with the image of a woman inside it. Closing the device, he reached for the door and opened it.

The inside of the small shop was not like the outside, it was dark, only one regular light illuminating a table with a crystal ball in the center.

Around the room, candles sat perched, flickering slightly as a woman strode in. "Bonsoir monsieur," she greeted. "How can Madam Xanadu be of service?" Before he could answer, she made a sound of understanding, "Ah, there is someone whom you wish to speak, your wife moi'no?"

The man nodded, squeezing the watch in his hand. "Yes. My Inza."

"The Madam will be of service," she said sliding into of of the chairs at the table, "to make contact, if fate be kind."

"With a tired sigh, the old man began to take his own seat, "He so rarely is." Looking to the psychic across from him, he watched as she cleared her throat, overturning her palm expectantly. "Oh, of course," he reached into his jacket and pulled out a wad of cash, handing it to her.

Smiling, she tucked the money away and closed her eyes. A chill came into the room and the candles flickered as the crystal ball began to glow, causing the woman's dark hair to move in a nonexistent breeze as the table rose and the chandelier swayed. "Oh, my darling," she began speaking her eyes opening to be solid white, "how I've missed you. I'm so lonely here and cold..."

Instead of freaking out, the old man gave a hearty laugh. "That's the best you could do?"

The light came back and the table dropped as the psychic's eyes cleared as she glared at him. "Imbecile! You have broken the spell! Your wife is forever lost!"

"That was supposed to be my wife?" he scoffed. "Heck, my little spitfire would've kicked my can for throwing away good money on you."

Madam scowled, standing up and crossing her arms. "No refunds for nonbelievers."

The man raised a brow, "I think we both know who's the nonbeliever here Madam. A wind machine? Tire jacks under the table? Shame too, you have the perfect aura, and nothing would've pleased me more than to be reunited with my bride."

A man with dark skin stomped through the door and yanked the old man off his seat and held him in the air. "You'll be with her soon enough," he said before they vanished in a flash.

Mt. Justice, August 19, 19:39EDT

"Initiate: Combat Training," the Computer spoke as Kaldur and Superboy circled each other in the sparring ring as several of the others stood off to the side watching. Once the countdown ended, the two boys lunged at each other, quickly trading blows.

"So, uh, Kaldur's nice, don't ya think?" Artemis spoke up from where she stood with Aurora and M'gann. "Handsome, commanding, you should totally ask him out M'gann or maybe Kai."

The girl smiled, shaking her head, "They are like a big brothers to me. But do you know who'd make the cutest couple, you and Wally," she motioned to the speedster standing by Kai munching on a burrito. "You're so full of passion and he's so full of...uh..."

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