Chapter 21: The Usual Suspects

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Washington, D.C., December 30, 09:16 EST No One's Pov

Press has gathered outside the Hall of Justice From behind a lectern, Superman gives a speech. They are gathered to introduce five new members of the Justice League
: Doctor Fate Atom, Plastic Man, Icon and Red Arrow

" The Justice League was formed for two reasons. First, as an acknowledgement that no single individual... matter how powerful, can solve all the world's problems alone. And second, to uphold the values of truth, liberty and justice. That, uh, last one's even in the name." Superman saids as the crowd was laughing as he continued "These five heroes have sworn to uphold those values."

"You are watching live coverage of the Justice League's induction of its five newest members."Cat announced."Looks like the entire League has shown up to welcome the new blood. Everyone from Batman to Captain Marvel."

"I'm glad they didn't kick Billy out."Wally remarked and munched on an apple. "And I love the fact there's a 10 year old on the League."

"There is," The newest member of the team said in surprise. Raquel AKA Rocket had joined the team while her mentor Icon was joining the League. Raquel was an African American woman with short spiky black hair. Her belt gave her the ability to fly and create bubbles of kinetic energy.

 Her belt gave her the ability to fly and create bubbles of kinetic energy

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Dick nudged Wally on the stomach while I face palmed in annoyance.

"Ow!"Wally groaned.

"Way to keep a secret, genius."Robin retorted with a glare.

"Hey, she's on the team now," Wally defended.

Kai watched as Superman gave a League membership card to Doctor Fate and gave Zatanna a concerned glance. She had gotten better in the last few weeks, but she would still get a mournful look when she practiced her magic. She hadn't expressed any signs of staying angry at Doctor Fate which Kai was grateful for as Robin gave her a reassuring squeeze on her shoulder to which Zatanna gave him a sad smile. "It helps when you have friends to turn to." Kai thought as he turned his attention back to the television.

"Superman is now handing out official League membership cards starting with Doctor Fate, the Atom, Plastic Man and Icon."Cat stated.

When Superman handed Icon his membership card Raquel spoke up, "You know I was the one to convince Icon to becoming a hero in the first place. I should be outside celebrating whit him, not hidden away in here."

"Welcome to our world," Kaldur said.

"Well, I guess there's an upside too," Raquel said giving Kaldur an appreciative glance.

"Finally, Green Arrow welcomes his former protégé, Speedy now known as Red Arrow, to this roster of heroes."Cat announced.

"Way to go, Roy!"Wally cheered.

"At last, he has his wish."Kaldur commented.

"The first of us to make it."Robin remarked.

"Now no one will call him a sidekick anymore." Wally stated with a smile.

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