Chapter 19: Insecurity

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Star City, December 4th 2004 PST No One's Pov

Night has befallen upon Star City, home and protector of Green Arrow, member of the Justice League and also known as the Emerald Archer. The buildings glow radiantly in the night, really embodying the city's name. But, in all of its glory, darkness lurks in the shadows, ready to strike at any moment.

This couldn't be more true as Black Spider, member of the League of Shadows, swings silently through the city in search of his new target. The arachnid themed assassin knew he was running out of time with his assignment and that the League of Shadows leader, Ra's Al Ghul, will not tolerate failure. The dark-clad assassin swung through the air with acrobatic grace, as he shot another strand of red webbing into the city. As he continued to swing, Black Spider thought of the Shadows' new recruit, some futuristic looking bounty hunter named Boba Fett. The new guy was already becoming a curiosity within the criminal underworld, with rumors spreading that he actually broke into Belle Reve

Black Spider shook his head; now was not the time to think about Fett as he somersaulted in the air to land on the edge of an apartment building. Through his orange tinted goggles, the assassin glared across the street through a window to see his target. There, a man is hugging his daughter, obviously about to place her to bed. "Sleep tight, baby girl." The man said as the little girl smiled and hugged her father back. The sight was heartwarming for most people, but Black Spider didn't have the time nor did he care about this man or his family. He had a job to do, and he'll be damned to lose his head just because he grew a second heart.

Slowly, the assassin appeared outside the window as he lowered himself on his webline, like a spider. Black Spider smirked. "Isn't this a buzzkill." He remarked as he fired a web from his palm, the red substance sticking to the man's back before pulling him out the window, the man screaming as his daughter watches in horror. With a yank, the webbing was pulled, stopping the fall as the man looked up in fear to see Black Spider's soulless goggles glaring back at him.

"You were warned, Mr. Jones." Black Spider began, as he held the webline with one hand while using his other hand to stick to the building. "No one likes a crusading reporter." The assassin taunted, as Jones held on the web for dear life.

"Please, please! Not in front of my daughter!" The man practically begged, hoping to appease some sort of humanity within the assassin.

Black Spider sharply exhaled. "Ah, I'm sorry. You know how it is, I'm on deadline." The dark-clad assassin replied as an evil smirk formed under his mask. "And so are you." He added as Black Spider released the webbing, seeing Jones screaming as he fell faster to the ground. Just as Black Spider was about to grin at his work of a splattered reporter, a green arrow hit the ground seconds before Jones, releasing green foam which rapidly expanded and broke his fall, saving him.

Stifling a groan, Black Spider looked up to see where the trajectory of the arrow came from and saw Green Arrow and Artemis on the rooftop of an opposing building. Reloading their bows, the two archers fired a rapid succession of arrows at the assassin. With quick reflexes, Black Spider avoided the projectiles with acrobatic flips as he is adjacent to the building wall. Quickly, the spider themed assassin scaled the building as the two heroes forced him to retreat to higher ground. While all this was happening, the little girl looked at the two heroes with awe that they saved her father from a cruel, gruesome death.

Belle Reve December 4th 2206 CST

Belle Reve Penitentiary was in lock down. Ever since the prison outbreak

the facility upgraded its security. The walls surrounding Belle Rev were stronger than ever, as the number of guards doubled in size. More cameras, laser detection systems and automatic turrents were installed, adding even more security to what it previously contained. In short, Belle Rev looked bigger than it ever was, the prison very similar to an impenetrable fortress. But in every armor there is a weak spot, and that weak spot was Warden Strange. The warden was secretly in league with shadowy organization the Light from the beginning and Strange knew he had to play along because he would have been interrogated by the Justice League, which he did successfully without unintentionally revealing his true allegiance.

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