I'm not asking, I'm begging

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Seattle is not where I thought I would find myself this week. But when Catherine Fox calls, you come.

Flashback to last week

It was 8am saturday morning. Usually I'm up by five but this was my weekend off. So last night I went to this party in SoHo. I live in Manhattan so wasn't that far. As for the party I don't remember much. So at 8 in the morning I'm woken up by this gorgeous redhead woman, who's handing me my phone saying someone needs to speak to me.

Me: "Hello this is Y/N Hamilton speaking. "

Catherine: "Why didn't you answer my calls and why is some random woman answering your phone."

Me: "Hello to you too mother. How did you know that I wasn't at work?" I said as I sat up and the woman from earlier crawled across me, making her to my bathroom completely naked.

Catherine: "You work in one of my hospitals, you think I don't know what's going on in my hospitals."

Me: "Of course you do mom, you run a tight ship. So to what do I owe the pleasure of this of call? Is this about another special surgery?" I said getting up as I heard the shower turn on.

Catherine: "No, actually I need you to fly out here to Seattle." I heard the hesitancy in her voice.

Me: "Seattle?! Please tell me it's important. I have patients here that anything could go wrong with any moment. I need to be here."

Catherine: "I'm not asking, I'm begging. Listen I'll set everything up all you have to do is pack a bag and come. The foundation's jet will be there tomorrow at 9am. Just say yes."

Me: "Okay mom, You know I can never say no to you. But you better not have Langston taking care of my patients, that man is not allowed near my charts."

Catherine: She let out a loud laugh. "Okay I won't. I can't wait to see you soon. I bet Jackson and Amelia can't either. Especially since it's been a month since Amelia was down there." She said with a knowing voice.

I start to think about Ames. When she came down and stayed for a week. An Amazing sex filled week. See we have a friends with benefits type thing going on.

" When are you guys going to finally get together so I can get some grandkids out of you."

Me: I snapped back to reality after that comment. " She doesn't want a relationship Ma, and that's okay with me. But I'll be there. Now can I go I have some business to attend to" I said after hearing the shower turn off.

Catherine: "Yea business, I'll see you tomorrow." She said with snarkiness while she hung up.

I quickly threw my phone on the bed and went to go attend my special guest.

End of flashback

Now here I am after my flight standing in front of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital with my luggage. I'm dressed in one of my favorite suits.

 I'm dressed in one of my favorite suits

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I take a deep breath and walk in. I walk straight to the elevator, taking it up to the nurse's station on the first floor. 

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