The Incident pt2

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When I came to, I was in the E.R with Owen looking me over. Jackson was there and so was Callie. Jackson was pacing the anger etched on to his face. Callie was just looking at my hands. The only person who realized I had came to was Owen since he was right next to me checking my head.

" You better stop frowning or else you won't be able to be a sunglass model" I say making Jackson and Callie look up at me. Jackson rushes over next to me and the anger slightly leaves his face.

" I can't believe he fucking did that. Not only did he hit you he grabbed a fucking tray and ruptured your eardrum. He's a fucking pussy." I think over the words Jackson just said. That's why everything on the right side of my head fucking hurts.

" I'm glad you told me that because I was starting to wonder why everything on the right side was like a somebody pulled my A.V cords out." When I said that everyone laughed out loud. As the laughter continued the curtain that was covering the entrance was violently pulled back. We all turn to look and saw Amelia standing there worry all over her face.

" I came as soon as heard. Are you okay? How's your head?" she said as she rushed over to me. " Did we get a CT? Where's the scans?" She then proceeded to bark orders at Owen.

" Calmez l'amour, nous ne voulons pas que vous vous retrouviez vous-même dans un lit. (Calm down love, we don't want you to end up in a bed yourself)" I said while taking her hand and holding it. Jackson then bust out laughing again, to which Amelia shot him a look which quickly made him shut up.

" I know you're trying to distract me with speaking in french, which is hot but not right now." She said while semi smiling, which means it did work. While I was distracting her, Owen had slipped out the room.

" Oh it is entirely hot. Also your hands are fine, You know how to throw a good punch. What were you a boxer? " Callie said reminding most of us she was here. She also called me hot, well me speaking in french hot but still. I feel like Amelia knows that I'm trying to not freak out about the comment based off the look she's giving me.

" Yea, I did boxing for awhile. I did a lot of sports, best way for me to deal with my anger. Speaking of anger, Amelia why are you here instead of being with Derek? " I said while sitting up and stretching. Callie and Amelia looked at me with worry, while Jackson just stood there. He knew how I got after being injured. I like to just keep on moving with my life.

" First of all you need to stay in that bed. Second I'm here because my brother is a dumbass and his wife is there with him. Now, can one of you tell me the full story of what happened?" Amelia said while trying to push me back on the bed. My brother had begun to recant the story to her. While he had her full attention, I stood up and got out of the bed. My shirt had blood on it, from my ear or Derek I don't know. I took it off and using the sink in the room began to run cold water over it. 

As I was standing there in my sports bra, the curtain is ripped open again. This time by my mother. As soon as she saw me, she came over held my face. Her eyes scanning over my face for anymore damage besides my ear. She then looked over the room, see who was in here. 

" Callie would you mind giving us the room?" She said with such authority that there was no questioning what she said. As Callie left the room, she gave me a fist bump. I had a feeling she was gonna become my best friend here. As soon as she was gone, my mom pushed me over to the bed and took over running my shirt through the cold water. I knew this was not the time to argue with her so I hopped up on the bed and laid back.

As the started talking about everything, I fell asleep again. Today really drained me. As I was sleeping I had a dream about my childhood. Just what I needed to end the day.

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